Deux soeurs algériennes, Yasmina (22 ans) et Sabrina Larbi-Cherif (19 ans), étudiantes à l'université de Birmingham, ont été découvertes cette semaine découpées en morceaux dans leur luxueux appartement de Birmingham en Angleterre.
D'après des voisins, il y aurait eu des disputes fréquentes dans l'appartement entre l'une des soeurs et un homme. Un suspect a été arrêté moins de 24h après la "boucherie" au moment où il s'apprêtait de prendre un ferry vers la France.
Les deux soeurs seraient algéroises. Leur corps étaient si endommagés (scène digne d'un film d'horreur selon la police) que la police a conseillé à leur mère de ne pas les voir. Leur père qui est Alger, devrait prendre l'avion pour identifier les corps de ses deux filles.
Ci dessous, l'article du Birmingham Post.
Flat murders: Two bludgeoned women were Algerian sisters
Two women found murdered in a blood-drenched Birmignham city centre apartment have been named locally as sisters Yasmine and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif.
The women, both in their early 20s were discovered at the luxury flat in the Jupiter Apartments complex in Ryland Street at about 5.40pm on Monday.
The sisters, who are believed to be of Algerian origin, have yet to be formally identified by police, but a positive identification was given by their brother, who did not wish to be named, and later confirmed by close friends.
There were reports last night the girls’ mother was from Birmingham, and was being comforted by police.
Yasmine, 22, is thought to have been a biochemistry student, while her younger sister Sabrina was about to start a French Studies course at university.
Friends and neighbours say they had lived in the luxury apartment near Broad Street, since June. A close friend of the sisters, who did not wish to be identified, said: “They were both bright, intelligent, and very decent young women. They were two lovely sisters from a very respectable background.”
A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said the bodies were removed from the scene late on Tuesday night and post-mortem examinations were being carried out to find out how the women died.
The women have not yet been formally identified.
Meanwhile, officers were continuing to question a 28-year-old man from Birmingham arrested at a sea port in connection with the murders.
The man was detained early on Tuesday day morning by police in Kent as he attempted to board a ferry.
Forensic experts were continuing fingertip searches of the flat in Ladywood.
Yasmine and Sabrina were found at their fourth floor flat by the building’s concierge, who broke in following concerns from relatives of the women.
Neighbours told of a “wild party” at the flat on Friday. But police ruled out reports that the women were high-class prostitutes killed during a sex party, and insisted there was no intelligence to suggest they were vice girls or that their deaths were sexually motivated.
Les défuntes Yasmine et Sabrina Larbi-Cherif.
D'après des voisins, il y aurait eu des disputes fréquentes dans l'appartement entre l'une des soeurs et un homme. Un suspect a été arrêté moins de 24h après la "boucherie" au moment où il s'apprêtait de prendre un ferry vers la France.
Les deux soeurs seraient algéroises. Leur corps étaient si endommagés (scène digne d'un film d'horreur selon la police) que la police a conseillé à leur mère de ne pas les voir. Leur père qui est Alger, devrait prendre l'avion pour identifier les corps de ses deux filles.
Ci dessous, l'article du Birmingham Post.
Flat murders: Two bludgeoned women were Algerian sisters
Two women found murdered in a blood-drenched Birmignham city centre apartment have been named locally as sisters Yasmine and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif.
The women, both in their early 20s were discovered at the luxury flat in the Jupiter Apartments complex in Ryland Street at about 5.40pm on Monday.
The sisters, who are believed to be of Algerian origin, have yet to be formally identified by police, but a positive identification was given by their brother, who did not wish to be named, and later confirmed by close friends.
There were reports last night the girls’ mother was from Birmingham, and was being comforted by police.
Yasmine, 22, is thought to have been a biochemistry student, while her younger sister Sabrina was about to start a French Studies course at university.
Friends and neighbours say they had lived in the luxury apartment near Broad Street, since June. A close friend of the sisters, who did not wish to be identified, said: “They were both bright, intelligent, and very decent young women. They were two lovely sisters from a very respectable background.”
A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said the bodies were removed from the scene late on Tuesday night and post-mortem examinations were being carried out to find out how the women died.
The women have not yet been formally identified.
Meanwhile, officers were continuing to question a 28-year-old man from Birmingham arrested at a sea port in connection with the murders.
The man was detained early on Tuesday day morning by police in Kent as he attempted to board a ferry.
Forensic experts were continuing fingertip searches of the flat in Ladywood.
Yasmine and Sabrina were found at their fourth floor flat by the building’s concierge, who broke in following concerns from relatives of the women.
Neighbours told of a “wild party” at the flat on Friday. But police ruled out reports that the women were high-class prostitutes killed during a sex party, and insisted there was no intelligence to suggest they were vice girls or that their deaths were sexually motivated.
Les défuntes Yasmine et Sabrina Larbi-Cherif.