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Delphine Wespiser est Miss France 2012

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  • #91
    Afkagh da3wa lkhir à thuzyint!
    ulac umi ttmenigh el kheir, ala nek

    daw yilsim?
    Wagi mazal cwit

    Ihoh, zigh twaared zigh !! yiwen ur kem iqrih aweltma ....... d akesser kan, enfin d aqesser
    Tha wagenount twaared ataaass ataaaasss !
    Ana ? Sah...Bagra wa el hatta...Dima fi lekhssara, ila ma 3jebtekch, kayn bitelma... Saha !!!
    9olo, wa el 9ol sabek fikoum, ana addit el khomri
    ou âachra fi âaynikom


    • #92
      Imi ttawagennount, nek snegh yiwen si ouagennoun et, tiens toi bienne, yezdagh di strasbourg ...... ahat d nomad 7 wissen
      Kindness is the only language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see - Mark Twain


      • #93
        ulac umi ttmenigh el kheir, ala nek
        Aygher a thamlhant?

        Wagi mazal cwit
        Inaghed ihi, daw th mit negh ivsawen?
        "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


        • #94
          Imi ttawagennount, nek snegh yiwen si ouagennoun et, tiens toi bienne, yezdagh di strasbourg ...... ahat d nomad 7 wissen
          Ahya sev3in el mali y kat:22: Ihi d khali
          Ana ? Sah...Bagra wa el hatta...Dima fi lekhssara, ila ma 3jebtekch, kayn bitelma... Saha !!!
          9olo, wa el 9ol sabek fikoum, ana addit el khomri
          ou âachra fi âaynikom


          • #95
            Ur zrigh ma d xalim mi ismis mohand
            Kindness is the only language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see - Mark Twain


            • #96
              Imi ttawagennount, nek snegh yiwen si ouagennoun et, tiens toi bienne, yezdagh di strasbourg ...... ahat d nomad 7 wissen
              awah machi dha wagnoun nekini!
              Inayid yiwen w'hviviw si wagnoun (izdhigh dhi toulouse) lan waraw tmourthiss dha gi dhi stras, besseh uth n'ssinghara.
              "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


              • #97
                Awah, nomad agi dayen, xas ettu l rondi vo nagh... Trop dangereux
                Ana ? Sah...Bagra wa el hatta...Dima fi lekhssara, ila ma 3jebtekch, kayn bitelma... Saha !!!
                9olo, wa el 9ol sabek fikoum, ana addit el khomri
                ou âachra fi âaynikom


                • #98
                  Awah, nomad agi dayen, xas ettu l rondi vo nagh... Trop dangereux
                  Thwalat à Scootie!:22:
                  Dayen uth vaghra ay thzer! dh la fautik!

                  Nekini machi wagnoun ....
                  "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


                  • #99
                    dh la fautik!
                    Atan daghen yemghiyid aadaw nniden ............. aayigh dgem a tizi, ughal ghar yemmam titsuite
                    Kindness is the only language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see - Mark Twain


                    • Atan daghen yemghiyid aadaw nniden ............. aayigh dgem a tizi, ughal ghar yemmam titsuite
                      Tezrid ac3al i vardan i vidigh la boite ino assa ? Wahed khemsa ivardan !!! Yarna d la faute iiiiiik !!! :22:

                      Azeka ad zawdjagh dayen jon ni marrrr
                      Ana ? Sah...Bagra wa el hatta...Dima fi lekhssara, ila ma 3jebtekch, kayn bitelma... Saha !!!
                      9olo, wa el 9ol sabek fikoum, ana addit el khomri
                      ou âachra fi âaynikom


                      • Atan daghen yemghiyid aadaw nniden ............. aayigh dgem a tizi, ughal ghar yemmam titsuite
                        Tighress kan!
                        Azeka admerhegh di l'homme de fer alema thussad th zizwith!

                        Azeka ad zawdjagh dayen jon ni marrrr
                        Anwa wa gi? ad zwadjedh kvel ma ythzerdh?

                        Thsruhtiyi l'affaire à Scootie!!!
                        "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


                        • Thsruhtiyi l'affaire à Scootie!!!
                          ur ttagwad, aki d remboursigh, ras el mal lak d l'intiri
                          Kindness is the only language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see - Mark Twain


                          • ur ttagwad, aki d remboursigh, ras el mal lak d l'intiri
                            ihi thefra! : 3 piercing ....1000 euros i yiwen. khem lehsavik....
                            Ilak ay d présenti miss alsace daghen.
                            "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


                            • Tighress kan!
                              Azeka admerhegh di l'homme de fer alema thussad th zizwith!
                              Y b3ed felli umekan agi

                              Anwa wa gi? ad zwadjedh kvel ma ythzerdh?
                              Ugadagh adafagh beli n ttemlili

                              Thsruhtiyi l'affaire à Scootie!!!
                              Anfass meskin, pierre richard agi dayen, y ruh dy ssent
                              Ana ? Sah...Bagra wa el hatta...Dima fi lekhssara, ila ma 3jebtekch, kayn bitelma... Saha !!!
                              9olo, wa el 9ol sabek fikoum, ana addit el khomri
                              ou âachra fi âaynikom


                              • Y b3ed felli umekan agi
                                Anda th tezzid ihi? machi di centre? udaqrara di "hout pierre" ihi?

                                Ugadagh adafagh beli n ttemlili
                                awah! utagadara, uk missenghara à thamlhant!!

                                Anfass meskin, pierre richard agi dayen, y ruh dy ssent
                                yess3a idhriman agh deyroumbourssi!
                                "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

