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Chewing gum pour tous !

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  • Chewing gum pour tous !

    Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec les mathématiques à l'école, la solution pourrait être simple et savoureuse - mâcher de la gomme.
    Des chercheurs du Baylor College of Medicine, au Texas, ont réuni 108 enfants, âgés de 13 à 16 ans, pour tester cette théorie. Les élèves ont été répartis en deux groupes. Ceux qui ont été invités à mâcher de la gomme l'ont fait pendant les cours de mathématiques, pendant leurs devoirs de mathématiques et lors des tests, selon le Los Angeles Times.
    Quatorze semaines plus tard, les mâcheurs de gomme obtenaient une augmentation de 3 pour cent dans les résultats des tests standardisés et avaient de meilleurs résultats que les étudiants qui n'ont pas de mâcher de la gomme.
    Les enseignants ont également remarqué que les mâcheurs de gomme avaient besoin de moins de pauses, étaient plus attentifs et beaucoup plus calmes.
    La raison pour laquelle le fait de mâcher de la gomme augmente les résultats en maths est inconnue. Il semblerait que la mastication augmente l'afflux sanguin dans le cerveau. L'amélioration de la performance n'est pas liée au sucre (les chewing gums utilisé étaient sans sucre).

    source : NBC Miami
    There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.

  • #2
    c est vraiment une idiotie ..... ils ne connaissent pas le fruit du hazard en mathematique?? 3% ça y ressemble ,ils n ont vraiment que ça à foutre faire des études sur des gens qui machent du chewing gum.?? je pense que les vaches doivent etre aussi des genies en math


    • #3
      je pense que les vaches doivent etre aussi des genies en math
      exactement lang lu, elles comptent tous les wagons a chaque passage de train.
      There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.


      • #4
        hello born ,vu comme elles machent elles doivent aussi calculer la vitesse des trains
        c est une etude americaine lol......


        • #5
          c est une etude americaine lol......
          bah ! moi je pensais que l'etude etait serieuse, mais comme les filles du forums n'ont pas reagit. je doute.
          There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.


          • #6
            je suis là pour confirmer cette étude. je n'aime pas le chewing gum et c'est pour cette raison que je suis nulle en maths.
            pourquoi t'as pas poster cet article plus tôt born???


            • #7
              hey rayhana
              j ai jamais maché de chewing gum(je les avale) pourtant j adore les math et je n étais pas si mauvais .... en fait si on écoute toute ces études débiles americaines on pourra bientot nous classé dans la catégorie "ruminant" comme les vaches


              • #8
                mdr ,wellah ghir 3andek el hak lang


                • #9
                  pourquoi t'as pas poster cet article plus tôt born???
                  pour faire le maximum de victimes
                  There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.


                  • #10
                    Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec les mathématiques à l'école, la solution pourrait être simple et savoureuse - mâcher de la gomme.
                    Même si je mâché des centaines de ces gommes je serai toujours aussi nul en math


                    • #11
                      pour faire le maximum de victimes
                      hram 3lik


                      • #12
                        @Tite fée il ne faut pas mâcher seulement d'un coté..
                        Sinon je confirme l'étude...
                        Tu ne peux empêcher les oiseaux de la tristesse de voler au-dessus de ta tête, mais tu peux les empêcher de faire leurs nids dans tes cheveux.


                        • #13
                          C koi 7 étude (n'importe quoi!)
                          qd je mache de la gomme je suis ds ma bulle je nargue mon estomac ça gargouille et ça déconcentre


                          • #14
                            Le Chewing Gum favorise la concentration.

                            Math + Chewing Gum = Better Grades?

                            Chewing Gum Might Make Teachers Frown but It Improves Academic Performance, Study Says
                            By Bill Hendrick
                            WebMD Health News

                            Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD

                            April 23, 2009 -- Chewing sugarless gum during class and while doing homework may improve academic performance of adolescents, a new study says.
                            The research was underwritten by the William Wrigley Jr. Co., the Chicago-based chewing gum giant, but scientists from the Baylor College of Medicine say that didn't influence the study's design or its outcome.
                            And scientists who had nothing to do with the study say it's likely that chewing gum can reduce stress, leading to enhanced concentration and thus better academic performance.
                            The results of the study, by Craig Johnston, PhD, an instructor of pediatrics-nutrition at the Baylor College of Medicine, and colleagues are were at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition's Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2009.
                            Johnston and his team enlisted 108 eighth-grade students in four math classes, randomly assigning them to two groups: one group chewed Wrigley's sugar-free gum during school, while doing homework, and also while taking a standardized test; students in the control group didn't chew gum.
                            Johnston tells WebMD that students who chewed gum showed an increase in standardized math test scores after 14 weeks of chomping in class and while doing homework, compared to those who didn't chew.
                            Gum chewing was associated with a 3% increase in standardized math scores, which Johnston terms small but still "statistically significant."
                            The youngsters who chewed also had final math grades that were "significantly better" than those who didn't chew, Johnston says.
                            The participants included 52 girls and 56 boys. The gum chewers reported chewing at least one stick of gum 86% of the time they were in math class and 36% of the time they were doing homework. Johnston says that chewing gum reduces stress and anxiety and increases arousal.
                            "Some researchers speculate that a decreased level of stress leads to better focus and concentration, which may explain the relationship between gum chewing and increased focus and concentration," Johnston says. He adds that the study "demonstrates the potential benefits of chewing gum on academic performance in a real-life, classroom setting with teenagers."
                            He says more research is needed to determine whether chewing would help people in other subjects, such as English and history, "but this is an exciting first step."
                            Daniel Moran, PhD, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, says the results are plausible but that he needs more convincing, especially since the study was funded by a chewing gum company.
                            "It makes sense that if it's acting as a stress reliever, it is making you smarter," he tells WebMD after reading Johnston's abstract. "I'd like to know more about the brain mechanism that's affecting this."
                            Michael Posner, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon, says such studies are "difficult to evaluate" because "it is not possible to tell if chewing gum has an influence or whether those who chew gum are different in other ways from those who did not."
                            He tells WebMD that there's no evidence in the study that higher scores in math or other subjects wouldn't result from "any form of eating or other movements."
                            "It could even be that the attitude created by being allowed to do something that might be forbidden in class might be important to the effect," he tells WebMD. "The evidence of self-reported stress reduction and alertness seems to support the advantage of gum chewing over doing nothing, but does not indicate whether gum chewing has a special advantage over other forms of activity."
                            Still, Johnston says educators who examined the study's results were "impressed."
                            The Wrigley firm says in a statement that the study is meaningful and should be of interest to parents "when related to small steps that can lead to better academic performance."
                            It says the study builds on previous research but says it is chewing gum and not a particular brand that leads to better scores and reduced stress.
                            The study was supported by the Wrigley Science Institute, which says its research is focused on exploring the impact of chewing gum on focus, alertness, concentration, situational stress, weight management and oral health.
                            The Baylor researchers say their study in a "high stakes testing environment underscores the need for novel approaches to facilitate improved academic performance as standardized test scores have become a mandatory requirement for assessing academic achievement."
                            SOURCES: News release, William Wrigley Jr. Co. American Society for Nutrition's Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, April 18-22, 2009.
                            ©2009 WebMD, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
                            Dernière modification par absente, 05 mai 2009, 01h10.


                            • #15

                              Mliha hadi ta3 les vaches !

                              Personnellement, je ne gardais jamais ce truc en examen ! C'est vrai que ça déconcentre et ça fait travailler inutilement l'estomac, je doute que ça aide le cerveau d'une quelconque façon !
                              Dernière modification par absente, 05 mai 2009, 06h40.

