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Maladies auto-immunes ou manque de glutathione cellulaire?

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  • Maladies auto-immunes ou manque de glutathione cellulaire?

    L'industrie pharmaceutique invente souvent des maladies pour creer un marche lucritif comme les fameuses maladies auto-immunes.

    Plusieurs medecins respectables doutaient l'origine de ces maladies auto-immunes. Parmis ces medecins Dr Gustavo Bounous, doutait un deficit en glutathione et pas en corticostroides qui est responsable de ces maladies auto-immunes.

    Dr Pottenger croit qu'il s'agit des infections endocellulaires qui infectent les tissues, et l'immunite en voulant detruire ces microbes endocellulaires detruit le tissu. On connait les cavernes de la tuberculoses dans les poumons.

    La solution est simple. Il faut augmenter le glutathione cellulaire. Ici une preuve que le glutathione aide les cellules immunitaires cytotoxiques a detruire le virus de l'hepatite C et a reduire considerablement la viremie et ameliore tous les indices de l'inflammation.

    Le glutathatione est consomme par les cellules cytotoxiques CD8, CD4, NK cells pour produire l'oxide de nitrogen. Une molecule capable de detruire tous les virus et sans risque de developpement de resistance.

    Dr Gustavo Bounous avait montre dans des etudes a l'universite de McGill que la consommation de whey protein peut reduire la viremie du VIH chez les malades du SIDA considerablement.

    Dr Kremer Heinrich en Allemagne avait les memes conclusions. Le glutathione cellulaire aide les cellules th1 a produire le NO pour detruire TOUS virus. C'est une mechanisme evolutionnaire stable et les virus sont incapables de devenir resistants au NO.

    The use of whey protein concentrate in management of chronic hepatitis C virus – a pilot study
    Gamal Elattar,corresponding author1 Zeinab Saleh,2 Safinaz EL-Shebini,2 Atif Farrag,2 Mona Zoheiry,1 Azza Hassanein,1 Maged EL-Ghannam,1 Shendy Shendy,1 Ehab EL-Dabaa,1 and Nariman Zahran1
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    Whey protein contains biologically active ingredients that can prevent and attenuate disease besides being nutritive. The aim of the study was to clarify the effects of oral administration of whey protein on viral load and host defence mechanisms, in particular, phagocytic function of neutrophils, selected immunomodulatory cytokines and serum inflammatory markers, in compensated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients.

    Material and methods
    Twenty-seven HCV patients (20 males and 7 females) recruited from the hepatology clinic of the Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) were given whey protein concentrate (WPC) twice daily for two months. In addition, 15 age and sex matched healthy participants were included in the study, as a control group. Neutrophil phagocytic activity, serum intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM), interleukin-2 (IL-2), nitric oxide (NO), as well as HCV-RNA levels and routine investigations were determined for patients, before and after WPC supplementation and once for the control group.

    There was a significant decrease in viral load and markers of active inflammation, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), while serum albumin, total leucocyte counts and absolute neutrophil counts showed significant elevation accompanied by improvement of neutrophil phagocytic activity after WPC supplementation compared to pre-treated levels. The oral WPC supplementation was well tolerated without any serious adverse events.

    Oral supplementation of WPC has promising results as a new therapeutic strategy against HCV and its sequelae by decreasing the viral load and active inflammation as well as improving the synthetic capacity of the liver and the phagocytic function of neutrophils, in these patients.
    Dernière modification par toulousain, 13 mai 2018, 02h11.

  • #2
    Whey proteine contre l'hepatite B: Mechanisme universel anti viral:

    Nutritional therapy of chronic hepatitis by whey protein (non-heated).
    Watanabe A1, Okada K, Shimizu Y, Wakabayashi H, Higuchi K, Niiya K, Kuwabara Y, Yasuyama T, Ito H, Tsukishiro T, Kondoh Y, Emi N, Kohri H.
    Author information
    In an open study the clinical efficacy of milk serum (whey) protein (Immunocal; cysteine content: 7.6-fold higher than that of casein) isolated from fresh milk and purified without heating was evaluated in 25 patients with chronic hepatitis B or C. Immunocal (12 g as protein) food (mousse) was given twice a day, in the morning and evening, for 12 weeks (test period). Casein (12 g as protein) food (mousse) was similarly given for two weeks prior to the start of the supplement with Immunocal food (induction period) and for four weeks after the end of the supplement with Immunocal food (follow-up period). Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity was reduced, and plasma glutathione (GSH) levels increased in six and five of eight patients with chronic hepatitis B, respectively, 12 weeks after the start of the supplement with Immunocal food. Serum lipid peroxide levels significantly decreased, and interleukin (IL)-2 levels and natural killer (NK) activity significantly increased. However, there were no significant Immunocal-related changes in 17 patients with chronic hepatitis C. These findings suggest that the long-term supplement with Immunocal alone may be effective for improving liver dysfunctions in patients with chronic hepatitis B.


    • #3
      Whey protein contre le VIH: mechanisme universel antiviral:

      Oral supplementation with whey proteins increases plasma glutathione levels of HIV-infected patients.
      Micke P1, Beeh KM, Schlaak JF, Buhl R.
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      HIV infection is characterized by an enhanced oxidant burden and a systemic deficiency of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH), a major antioxidant. The semi-essential amino acid cysteine is the main source of the free sulfhydryl group of GSH and limits its synthesis. Therefore, different strategies to supplement cysteine supply have been suggested to increase glutathione levels in HIV-infected individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral supplementation with two different cysteine-rich whey protein formulas on plasma GSH levels and parameters of oxidative stress and immune status in HIV-infected patients. In a prospective double blind clinical trial, 30 patients (25 male, 5 female; mean age (+/- SD) 42 +/- 9.8 years) with stable HIV infection (221 +/- 102 CD4 + lymphocytes L-1) were randomized to a supplemental diet with a daily dose of 45 g whey proteins of either Protectamin (Fresenius Kabi, Bad Hamburg, Germany) or Immunocal (Immunotec, Vandreuil, Canada) for two weeks. Plasma concentrations of total, reduced and oxidized GSH, superoxide anion (O2-) release by blood mononuclear cells, plasma levels of TNF-alpha and interleukins 2 and 12 were quantified with standard methods at baseline and after therapy. Pre-therapy, plasma GSH levels (Protectamin: 1.92 +/- 0.6 microM; Immunocal: 1.98 +/- 0.9 microM) were less than normal (2.64 +/- 0.7 microM, P = 0.03). Following two weeks of oral supplementation with whey proteins, plasma GSH levels increased in the Protectamin group by 44 +/- 56% (2.79 +/- 1.2 microM, P = 0.004) while the difference in the Immunocal group did not reach significance (+ 24.5 +/- 59%, 2.51 +/- 1.48 microM, P = 0.43). Spontaneous O2- release by blood mononuclear cells was stable (20.1 +/- 14.2 vs. 22.6 +/- 16.1 nmol h-1 10-6 cells, P = 0.52) whereas PMA-induced O2- release decreased in the Protectamin group (53.7 +/- 19 vs. 39.8 +/- 18 nmol h-1 10-6 cells, P = 0.04). Plasma concentrations of TNF-alpha and interleukins 2 and 12 (P > 0.08, all comparisons) as well as routine clinical parameters remained unchanged. Therapy was well tolerated. In glutathione-deficient patients with advanced HIV-infection, short-term oral supplementation with whey proteins increases plasma glutathione levels. A long-term clinical trial is clearly warranted to see if this "biochemical efficacy" of whey proteins translates into a more favourable course of the disea


      • #4
        Whey protein contre le virus d'influenza: mechanisme universel antiviral:

        Effectiveness of esterified whey proteins fractions against Egyptian Lethal Avian Influenza A (H5N1)
        Soad H Taha,corresponding author1 Mona A Mehrez,2 Mahmoud Z Sitohy,3 Abdel Gawad I Abou Dawood,1 Mahmoud M Abd-El Hamid,1 and Walid H Kilany2
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        Avian influenza A (H5N1) virus is one of the most important public health concerns worldwide. The antiviral activity of native and esterified whey proteins fractions (α- lactalbumin, β- lactoglobulin, and lactoferrin) was evaluated against A/chicken/Egypt/086Q-NLQP/2008 HPAI (H5N1) strain of clade 2.2.1 (for multiplicity of infection (1 MOI) after 72 h of incubation at 37°C in the presence of 5% CO2) using MDCK cell lines.


        • #5
          Une video de la therapie developpe par Heinrich kremer contre les maladies autoimmunes et infectueuses et explique l'abberation de l'immunosuppression comme therapie idiote et dangereuse:

