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Let's talk in english

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  • Yes Levant, and time goes fast! I remember when she was just a baby! ..

    Yes, you're right , I don't use it.. .. sometimes I write and speak to my friends and family, and I introduce only few words in English .. . not phrases like this.. I wish I could practice more and more .. this is an occasion!! your topic my dear Levant ..


    • Mallow
      I remenber when you were pregnant

      Yeah, this topic is the occasion to talk and improve our english.
      This morning, I try revise my english with a book but it's so borrig. Then i close the book

      This morning, i fund a message of angry old woman against M. S.... She's talk him about cartication and syringue

      I'm looking for a pair of boots. I thing i will buy it tuesday. I don't have time today.

      Ps: All forum will know the details of our life withe this topic


      • Bababa, i m so nulle ainsi, à vous lire
        Les erreurs ne se regrettent pas, elles s'assument ..
        La peur ne se fuit pas, elle se surmonte ..
        L'amour ne se crie pas, il se prouve.


        • Hi masha
          Welcom. We are all terrible. You need exercice and try. In first, you must use traduction but with time, you will could do without.
          It's more fun then to revise english lessonsoeilfermé


          • Hi Levant

            J'arrive à vous comprendre c’est déja pas mal pour moi
            Pour les phrases, j'ai perdu beaucoup de mon anglais, pour pas dire tout mon anglais

            Je vais me contenter de vous lire ^^
            Les erreurs ne se regrettent pas, elles s'assument ..
            La peur ne se fuit pas, elle se surmonte ..
            L'amour ne se crie pas, il se prouve.


            • Masha
              Try a litle.
              It's goof if you can undestand us.


              • Try a litle.
                Little not litle

                And yes it's good for me ^^
                Les erreurs ne se regrettent pas, elles s'assument ..
                La peur ne se fuit pas, elle se surmonte ..
                L'amour ne se crie pas, il se prouve.


                • You see, you correcte me. I'm not good by i try to improve.
                  Then, don't scare and try


                  • Hi Levant ..
                    Hope you're fine..

                    We should read novels in English, it's the best way to find new words..

                    Ps: All forum will know the details of our life withe this topic
                    I don't mind.. and I don't care lol..
                    I want to improve my English ..

                    Hello Msaha how are you? .. I've read you, you're in love , and you believe in love ...


                    • Hi mallow
                      I'm fine and you.
                      I remember, onetime capo advice me to read "oui oui" in english


                      • I'm fine thanks..

                        LOL, why not .. .. maybe we will find new words lol..

                        I'll try to read a novel this week .. I wish I could find time..

                        Goodbye.. have a nice day ..
                        Dernière modification par Mallow, 14 octobre 2017, 14h02.


                        • Yes, read in English is the best way to increase our vocabulary
                          But i don't like cause i need too often to check the translation and so it's not possible for me to enter the story


                          • Good by mallow

                            It's difficult for me to envoy a novel in english
                            But I watch american movies and series in vo


                            • Levant
                              I'm not a TV fan


                              • Then, you can listen radio like the BBC

