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Let's talk in english

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  • @ Miss taqvaylith



    "What does it take to be twenty years old to be happy? A ray of hope. Forty years old? A ray of glory. Sixty? A ray of sunshine."

    What stage are you? glory for me! but really no feeling that I need a glory.
    I thought that we did not ask a lady for her age

    Glory for me also, brother!

    But peace is what I need!

    So what do you need? A ray of sunshine?


    • @passage`re,
      Please address your comments to OKHAYYAM. He is the one who asked you for your age.
      Thank you,
      Dernière modification par mmis_ttaq-vaylit, 25 décembre 2017, 14h52.
      Lu-legh-d d'aq-vayli, d-ragh d'aq-vayli, a-d'em-tegh d'aq-vayli.


      • mmis_ttaq-vaylit
        She wrongly took me for a mmis_ttaq-vaylit, even if it is true that my mother is piking olives in this period of time and me going to help her.
        Votre ennemi c'est celui que vous n'avez pas encore invité à déjeuner Edgar Faure


        • Okhayyam,
          You just reminded me that I do have some olive trees that I inherited from my father and my mother. I will have to plan ahead for next year to do some olive picking in my fields.
          I did some olive picking in Kabylia when I was a little kid but not since then. It sure will be good to renew with this noble tradition. In my last trip, my sisters gifted me with 3 liters of our original olive oil. I savor it with a very good couscous accompanied with a sultry sauce rich in red and white meats.

          Happy new year!

          Lu-legh-d d'aq-vayli, d-ragh d'aq-vayli, a-d'em-tegh d'aq-vayli.


          • Hello my friends

            I need to improve my english quickly. I have to talk english. I open this topic to practis practice. Well, sorry for my mystakets mistakes. You can correcte me. I need someone to correct my mistakes.

            Then welcome here.


            • I can help

              D'abord salut tout le monde, je suis nouveau sur ce forum .Moi aussi j'aime l'anglais.
              and i hope i'm still keeping a grasp of the Bard's tongue.
              En français, cela veut dire '' j'espère qu''il me reste un peu de connaissance de la langue de Shakespeare''
              .C'est une occasion pour moi de faire travailler ma mé présume que je suis bien plus âgé que vous tous.
              Une petite correction pour East (Levant) ;
              On dit i need to (verb) mais i need a person
              On dit to talk in english (avec e miniscule) E majuscule pour personnes ..
              mais to talk to you et aussi to speak good english.....
              Wa assalam for now


              • Up

                Welcome elmountasir..

                Hello .. Levant.. I hope you're fine my dear .. we don't see you " on ne te voit plus"

