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  • Hello everyone

    السلام عليكم

    I am sorry to write in English but my French is awful.
    I am new here and I registered myself because I'd like to know about Algeria and Algerians.

    I am a girl and I am going alone to Algiers in cha' Allah in February for a period of 6 months for an internship. I heard that it is dangerous for a girl to be there alone. Is that true?

    I have been to Morocco many times and never had any problems and I assume it's the same. But asking Algerians about this is the only way to find out.

    How is life there? How can I find a place to stay near Hydra? How are the people?

    I will really appreciate some answers and I don't have a problem it they are in French, I do kind of understand it well enough

    Thank you guys
    Dernière modification par safka, 04 novembre 2013, 11h35.

  • #2

    my English is aweful, but I wil try to give you somme answers.

    the description that you have done is correcte, but not general, I mean, some parts of Algeria are dangerous for à girl, specialy if she is lonley. but the place where you are going to do your internship (Hydra) is absolutly not dangerous, it is the same case of lot of metropolitan places in Algeria.

    the Algerians are nervous, but very ... heu friendly, you will find a lot of policemen in your sector

    voili voilou.
    La Réalité est la Perception, la Perception est Subjective


    • #3
      Thanks a lot for your answer !
      It's appreciated

