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Marcel khalife-Passport-جواز سفر - jawaz el safar

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  • Marcel khalife-Passport-جواز سفر - jawaz el safar

    C'est pour toi ami OryZon

    Marcel Khalifa - Passport

    They didn't recognize me in the shadows
    That absorb my color in the passport
    And my wound was to them an exhibition on display
    To a tourist living to collect photographs

    They didn't recognize me...Don't leave
    My palm without a sun
    Because the trees recognize me
    Every song of the rain knows me
    Don't leave me pale like the moon

    All the birds that followed
    My palm to the door of the distance airport
    All the fields of wheat
    All the prisons
    All the white gravestones
    All the borders
    Every handkerchief that was waved
    All the eyes
    Were with me, but
    They dropped them from my passport

    Stripped of my name, of my identity
    On soul I nourished with my own two hands
    Today Job yelled filling the sky
    "Don't make me into a lesson again"
    Oh gentleman, oh gentleman of the prophets
    Don't ask the trees their names
    Don't ask the valleys who their mothers are
    From my forehead bursts a swort of light
    And from my hand springs a river of water
    All the people's hearts are my nationality
    So snatch my passport from me
    Dernière modification par Aloha, 23 février 2013, 12h22.

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        Merci mon ami Aloha,

        Tu m'invites à une belle glace fraiche sur les hauteurs des Alpes là
        Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy


        • #5
          quand tu reviens Inchallah yek


          • #6
            oui inchallah, merci
            Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy


            • #7
              J'ai trouvé un peu de menthe miraculeuse dans le jardin ! Depuis le 2 décembre tout était sous la neige ... là il fait froid -7 °C mais la neige a fondue
              Encore une autre du même album

              Et une dernière instrumentale


              • #8

                Et bein, si tu as trouvé la menthe chez toi alors, choufna Ettargui ijibna chwiya kawkaw w makhlouka tjibna baqlawa :

                Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy


                • #9
                  Wallah El gaada sera complète Le thé d'Ettargui est le meilleur que je n'avais jamais gouté ... son secret est bien gardé ... c'est quasiment un tour de magie
                  Lui il dit tout est dans la phase d'oxygénation lorsqu'il le mélange ... Nous la ferons inchallah la gaada


                  • #10
                    Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy


                    • #11
                      oui Inchaallah entre temps nous sommes un peu ensemble sur FA


                      • #12
                        a mon avis ettargui rah idir les courses -5°
                        Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy

