Le Chicago Sun Times rapporte dans son édition d'aujourd'hui que la prestigieuse université américaine de HARVARD va instaurer des heures dans la semaine pour les séances de gym entièrement pour femmes et ceci pour respecter le choix des étudiantes de confession musulmanes qui voudraient faire la gym loin du regard des hommes .
Ps: il n'y a que la version US de l'article
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Harvard U. gym sets up man ban
BOSTON | Establishes hours for Muslim women only
March 5, 2008
BOSTON -- Harvard University has banned men from one of its gyms for a few hours a week to accommodate Muslim women who say it offends their sense of modesty to exercise in front of the opposite sex.
The policy is already unpopular with many on campus, including some women who consider it sexist.
''I think that it's incorrect in a college setting to institute a policy in which half of the campus gets wronged or denied a resource that's supposed to be for everyone,'' said student Lucy Caldwell.
Student Ola Aljawhary, who is Muslim, rejected that argument. ''The majority should be willing to compromise,'' she said. ''I think that's just basic courtesy.''
Six Muslim women asked the university for the special hours, spokesman Robert Mitchell said.
''We get special requests from religious groups all the time and we try to honor them whenever possible,'' he said, noting that the school has designated spaces for Muslim and Hindu students to pray.
When student Kareem Shuman showed up to work out at the gym on Monday, he was turned away but didn't mind.
''Knowing it was requested by women of my faith -- it's very understandable to me,'' said Shuman, 21, who figured he'd just come back later for his workout.