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Moroccan jetski tourist describes being shot at by Algerian coastguard

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  • Moroccan jetski tourist describes being shot at by Algerian coastguard

    Mohamed Kissi says forces approached and began fatal shooting after group strayed into Algerian waters

    Geneva Abdul

    A Moroccan man has described how Algerian coastguard forces drew level with him and a group of holidaymakers who had accidentally strayed into the nation’s waters on jetskis before opening fire.

    Mohamed Kissi said the incident took place at sunset on Tuesday when the four men travelling on two jetskis got lost after taking a wrong turn off the beach resort of Saïdia on Morocco’s north-east tip. The group was almost out of fuel when they unknowingly crossed the border into Algeria.

    Mohamed’s brother, Bilal Kissi, a French national, was shot dead. He was buried in Morocco on Thursday. The body of Moroccan citizen Abdelali Mechouer has still not been found.

    The fourth holidaymaker, Smail Snabe, a French-Moroccan citizen, is being held in prison in Algeria according to the French ministry of foreign affairs, accused of entering the country illegally.

    “We saw the Algerian gendarmerie zodiac approach. They came at us. They drew level with us but we couldn’t hear much because of the noise of the sea, but he (Bilal) just signalled to me that we should turn back. He just signalled with his hand and then they began shooting,” Mohamed told the French network BFMTV.

    “I wasn’t hit, but as soon as they started shooting behind us, the jetski broke down.”

    For years relations between Algeria and Morocco have been strained. The border between the neighbouring nations was closed in 1994, after the murder of two Spanish tourists. In 2021, against the backdrop of a long-running dispute over the territory of Western Sahara, Algiers severed ties with Rabat after accusing its neighbour of “hostile acts”, an accusation Morocco called “completely unjustified”.

    “The crisis and support centre of the ministry and our ambassadors in Morocco and Algeria are in direct contact with the families of our citizens to whom we offer all our support. We have sent them our condolences,” the ministry said, adding that the Paris prosecutor’s office had been “advised” of the situation.

    Morocco has opened an investigation into the incident, local media reported.

    The Guardian

  • #2
    Disons des mercenaires des FAR éliminer par un drone après franchissement illégale du mur qu'est la frontière


    • #3
      ... et 3 conducteurs Algériens pères de familles brûlés par l'armée terroriste et sioniste du Makhzen.


      • #4
        Ya moka pourquoi tu tiens à faire cette comparaison ridicule, tu sais bien que le sud est en guerre et le nord est en paix.
        et puis comment oses tu comparer un camion avec un jet-ski, es tu un analphabète aussi ?


        • #5

          De ta part dire que le sud est en guerre

          Une petite quarantaine en prison de nassim ça remet les idées en place.


          • #6
            vous avez toujours dit qu'il n y a pas de guerre dans le Sahara !


            • #7
              Y a une différence entre une zone militaire (de guerre) et une guerre.
              Comme un terrain de foot et un match de foot.
              Y a des terrains de foot qui n'abritent aucun match de foot, comme ceux que vous avez dans votre zriba
              Dernière modification par simo2023, 06 septembre 2023, 09h18.


              • #8
                tu sais bien que le sud est en guerre et le nord est en paix
                Oui je le sais j'arrête pas de le dire il ne reste plus que nous nous accordons sur le fait que ton roi est un voleur

