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A l'origine du Conflit Russie-Ukraine

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  • A l'origine du Conflit Russie-Ukraine

    Cet interview explique l'origine du conflit.

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov: Russian security proposals not an ultimatum to the West but a serious warning

    Question: Could our security guarantee proposals to the U.S. and NATO be viewed as an ultimatum to the West, a last chance to make them understand and a last warning for them to stop?

    Answer: We are not speaking the language of ultimatums with anyone. We are addressing our own security and the security of others very responsibly. The point is not whether we have issued an ultimatum, not at all, but the seriousness of our warning that cannot be underestimated.

    Indeed, the security situation in Europe, the Euro-Atlantic region and Eurasia has deteriorated greatly. This is because of a series of targeted actions of the U.S. and its NATO allies, which in general could be called an attempt to undermine Russia's security and an attempt to create hostile environment around us. We cannot accept this.

    Ukraine has found itself in the epicenter, in the focus of these policies. It's not independent in its decisions, this depends very much on the situation. Seeing unconditional and unequivocal support from the West, some people in Kyiv playing to the worst Western objectives and formulas. We categorically cannot accept the prospect of this country joiningNATO, which comes over rather clearly from the statements of Ukrainian officials. We will counter this.

    We reject the very possibility of raising the issue this way. We can discuss the pros and cons, but we demand an unequivocal revocation of the notorious decision of the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest that Ukraine and Georgia would become NATO members. This must be revoked, revised and after that it will be possible to say that a small, if not comprehensive step in the right direction has been made. The West shows no readiness for this. This is why our proposals that arecomprehensive, all-inclusive raise before, first of all, the U.S. and also their allies issues that require immediate solution. We are following their reaction. That reaction is not encouraging so far. We are ready for negotiations on this basis, but so far we can see that our proposals have been rejected on far-fetched pretexts.

    The recent statement of the NATO Council [of December 16] is a clear proof of this. Ninety percent of the text is just a repetition of ultimatums against Russia. We are issuing no ultimatums to anyone and won't allow anyone to speak this way to us. And it goes on to say that what Russia demands, what it is demanding – this is not an outstretched hand, this is our firm demand – this allegedly has nothing to do with NATO activity. NATO will decide itself who to admit and who not to. And that relations of Ukraine with NATO concern this country alone and 30 NATO member states.

    No, this affects Russia to a far larger extent. I’m stating this clearly. The time of diplomatic phraseology has passed. We have to explain to people what is what in elementary terms. This, Ukraine's NATO prospects, first of all affects the Russian Federation.

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