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US Senator and Polisario Supporter James Inhofe to Retire

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  • US Senator and Polisario Supporter James Inhofe to Retire

    US Senator and Polisario Supporter James Inhofe to Retire

    Inhofe will be the second prominent supporter of the Polisario Front to retire from the US Senate. US Senator and Polisario Supporter James Inhofe to Retire

    Rabat - US Republican Senator James “Jim” Inhofe is set to announce his retirement from the Senate in the “coming days.”

    The Top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, 87, started his senate career in 1994.

    The Oklahoma Senator's retirement will follow his last electoral win in 2020. He won reelection to a fifth full term defeating Democratic rival Abby Broyles.

    CNN reported that Inhofe’s retirement would trigger an election in November to appoint a replacement that will serve the rest of his term until 2026.

    Inhofe is one of the most ardent pro-Polisario voices in the US Senate, supporting the separatist group’s independence claims for Western Sahara.

    One key example of his anti-Moroccan rhetoric came after he cosigned a letter along with 26 other senators to urge US President Joe Biden to reverse the US recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara.

    The letter was at the initiative of Inhofe and Patrick Leahy, who announced that he will retire from the senate in November 2021.

    The hostile letter followed former US President Donald Trump’s official proclamation, recognizing Morocco’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    The Leahy-Inhofe initiated letter lobbied against Morocco’s position, describing the US recognition and position as “misguided.”

    The letter described Trump’s Western Sahara decision as “shortsighted,” claiming that such a proclamation “undermined” traditional US foreign policy.

    Despite lobbying attempts from Inhofe and senators hostile to Morocco’s position in Western Sahara, the US has frequently emphasized that it is upholding Trump’s Western Sahara proclamation.

    Since Trump’s recognition, the US administration has adopted an undivided Moroccan map, including the southern provinces.

    All of the State Department, CIA, CDC, among others are featuring Morocco’s full map on their official websites.

    In addition, the US reaffirmed its position recently by sending a delegation from its embassy in Rabat to Morocco’s southern provinces.

    Earlier this month, a delegation from the US embassy made a four-day trip to Laayoune and Dakhla, where they met with tourism operators and entrepreneurs.

    The visit sought to assess local US-sponsored programs as part of the American Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).

    The visit from the delegation provides a clear refutation and denial of allegations and claims from Polisario supporters that cast doubt on the US’ unwavering support for Morocco’s territorial integrity.

  • #2
    Un autre supporter du polisario qui va prendre une belle retraite dorée.

    Merci aux contribuables algériens!!!!


    • #3
      bon débarras, au suivant !!


      • #4
        Inhofe avait pris une assurance d'une belle retraite dorée depuis des années,les petro$ dz sont lui ont été accrédités régulièrement sur son compte bancaire.


        • #5
          Bravo Mister Inhoffe, vous avez tres bien joué votre main et j’espère que vous avez récolté assez. Il est temps maintenant d’en profiter, faites vous plaisir, c’est de l’argent gratuit…
          "Tout ce qui te dérange chez les autres, c'est seulement une projection de ce que tu n'as pas résolu en toi-même" - Bouddha


          • #6
            Inhofe is now outhof
            La haine aveugle

