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La révélation dangereuse de John Bolton sur le Maroc et M6

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  • La révélation dangereuse de John Bolton sur le Maroc et M6

    tensions between uh morocco and algeria and it's a it's an important point and I'll just tell one more war story in 1997 i accompanied former secretary baker

    .. one of his many trips as part of his negotiation and we met with the new king muhammad vi in his office one of his offices i think in marrakech very impressive office behind his desk was a map of morocco you know in one of those map cases where you can close the doors but the doors were open so we could see the map of morocco that hung behind his desk you won't be surprised to hear it included the western sahara it also included the western half of algeria and a big chunk of mauritania so you know there are a lot of tensions in the region they're not all caused by algeria i think the western sahara could be a viable state i just wish the people had a chance to have a vote,
    Dernière modification par El-Magico, 06 novembre 2021, 12h17.

  • #2


    • #3
      Déjà posté. Trouvez autre chose.


      • #4
        1997 … New king Mohammed 6 … does not compute


        • #5
          Vous vouz noyez les gars. Persez à sauver votre peau avant d'enfoncer d'autres avec vous


          • #6
            1997 … New king Mohammed 6 … does not compute
            mais ce n'est pas lui qui aménage son bureau c'est plutôt le Makhzen qu'il le fait


            • #7
              mais ce n'est pas lui qui aménage son bureau c'est plutôt le Makhzen qu'il le fait
              t’a rien saisi.

              Bolton parle d’une reunion avec le Roi Mohammed 6 en 1997 … en 1997 c’etait encore H2 …

              Un peu de rigueur

