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Offshoring : Tata Consultancy Services s'implante à Casashore

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  • Offshoring : Tata Consultancy Services s'implante à Casashore


    Tata Consultancy Services (TSC) vient de signer une convention d'investissement avec le gouvernement marocain pour la délocalisation d'une partie de ses activités qui existent actuellement en France et en Espagne. TCS sera donc le premier grand joueur à s'implanter dans CasaShore et va commencer avec un effectif de 500 employés avec un objectif d'atteindre 1000 employés. TCS a convenu également de participer à la formation de 25000 personnes aux metiers de l'offshoring informatique...

    L'article ci-dessous mentionne également qu'une autre grande société de l'offshoring en Inde ''NIIT'' est entrain d'étudier des possibiltés de délocalisation à Casashore .

    La suite est dans l'article ci-dessous (désolé c'est en Anglais)

    Lien :

    TCS to set up offshoring unit in Morocco

    PTI[ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2006 10:00:00 AM]

    RABAT: India's largest software exporter Tata Consultancy Services has signed an agreement with Morocco to set up a 500-employee unit, which going ahead, would help create over 25,000 IT jobs in the Arab nation.

    TCS Morocco, which would function out of Casablanca, would be an offshoring delivery centre for the French and Spanish speaking parts of Europe and begin operations in January 2007.

    TCS vice president and head for global government industry group Tanmay Chakrabarty, who signed an agreement with the Moroccan government for the project, told media that the unit was likely to employ nearly 500 Moroccan nationals and could rise to at least 1,000 within the next couple of years.

    The company would also provide IT training services in the country that would help create over 25,000 jobs in the offshoring space by 2010, a target set by the Moroccan government, Chakrabarty said on the sidelines of the Fundamentals of Investment conference here.

    TCS would begin by shifting its existing operations from French and Spanish speaking parts of the world, while aiming to gain more business from these countries as well as the Moroccan market.

    The company would also create a training programme for the trainers, which would create at least 100 jobs in this space. Incidentally, another Indian major in IT training space, NIIT is also planning to start its operations in Morocco.

    Chakrabarty said there was a huge opportunity in the Moroccan IT space and there was enough space for more players. It's a situation like "More the merrier" in this market, he added.

    Morocco's Minister In Charge for Economic Affairs Rachid Talbi El Alami said the agreement was aimed at creating an outsourcing platform for the European countries. The Indian company is likely to expand its operations going forward and could set up another centre in Rabat in the next couple of years, he said.

    However, no financial details were disclosed about the project.

    The Moroccan minister said Rabat was looking to leverage its huge pool of French speaking human capital, following the precedent set by India which has a large-pool of English speaking and low-cost human capital.

    Morocco's 30-million populations is well-versed in languages like French and Spanish and these factors could contribute considerably in getting business from other companies in other countries who plan to access those European markets, El Alami said.

    Moreover, nearly 67 per cent of the population is below the age of 25 years and this makes it even a more attractive destination for the offshoring business here, the minister said.

  • #2
    c'estdans la rubrique économie mon ami.
    إِن تَنصُرُوا الله ينصُركُم الله، الوطن، الملك


    • #3
      Le gouvernement Marocain axe de plus en plus sa stratégie sur la création de zones intièrement dédiés aux activités offshoring et des tic. Quatre poles spécialisés ouvriront bientôt à Tanger, Rabat salé, marrakech et csablanca. Tous seront construits sur le modèle de casashore (210 Million $),qui sera lui inauguré en 2007 et qui sera à terme un parc d'affaire de54 Hectares sur lequel sera construit 250000 M² de bureaux capables d'accueillir 150 à 200 entreprises spécialisés dans les activités de back-office bancaire ou financier et de developpement informatique, avec un objectif de dégager 5 milliard de DH de valeur ajoutée et 30000 emploiS d'ici 2015.
      Equipé selon les standards mondiaux, mais commercialisé pour un loyer mensuel de 90 dh le m², les entreprises qui s'y installerons béneficieront de services d'accompagnement:crèches,banques,postes,coursier,r estaurants...

      Les quatre autres parcs offriront un éventail d'avantages fiscaux et finaciés,une prime au pionnier, les impôts sur les revenus de leur salariés plafonné à 20%.selon jeune afrique
      Dernière modification par ballZ, 21 décembre 2006, 14h10.

