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Un gouvernement multipartite, avec le maroc, pour jérusalem-est?

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  • Un gouvernement multipartite, avec le maroc, pour jérusalem-est?

    Kiosque360. Un plan de paix préparé par des experts internationaux prévoit un gouvernement international pour Jérusalem-Est avec la participation du Maroc. Ce projet attend l’aval de l’ONU.

    Et si la solution pour le conflit israélo-palestinien passait par un gouvernement international qui aura la charge de gérer les affaires de la ville sainte et dont le Maroc ferait partie? C’est la teneur d’un plan de paix, comme le révèle Al Massae dans son édition de ce lundi 11 mai, élaboré par des experts internationaux et qui implique le Maroc. Selon le journal, ce plan, fruit de douze ans de travail, recommande un gouvernement multipartite où seraient représentés le Maroc, l’Arabie Saoudite, les Etats-Unis et la Jordanie. Mais aussi les Palestiniens et les Israéliens, à cette condition expresse qu’aucune partie au conflit (Palestiniens et Israéliens) ne pourrait prendre la tête du gouvernement de Jérusalem-Est. Ce plan, préparé sous la supervision d’un diplomate canadien, a tenu à impliquer le Maroc pour le rôle que le royaume a toujours joué dans la recherche d’une solution au conflit. Mais aussi parce qu’il préside, en la personne du roi Mohammed VI, le Comité Al Qods créé par Feu Hassan II. Mais, quand on dit gouvernement, il faut se pencher sur ses attributions. Cet Exécutif multipartite aura la charge de veiller à l’application des lois, la gestion des services publics et des infrastructures, le découpage administratif, en plus de la protection de l’environnement.

    Les experts qui ont préparé ce plan de règlement sont partis d’un constat qui ne date pas d’hier, à savoir que la ville sainte a toujours été le point nodal du conflit israélo-palestinien. Avec sa forte charge religieuse et symbolique, elle est au centre de tout le conflit, surtout récemment avec tous les projets israéliens visant à la dénaturer. Aujourd’hui, après mille et une tentatives pour trouver une issue à un conflit vieux de près d’un demi-siècle, la solution pourrait venir de ce plan élaboré sous supervision d’un diplomate qui connaît bien la région. En effet, le Canadien Michael Bell a servi la diplomatie de son pays pendant seize ans en tant qu’ambassadeur en Jordanie, en Egypte et en Israël. Reste à savoir quel sera l’accueil qui sera réservé à ce rapport, notamment par Israël et ses alliés, les Etats-Unis en premier lieu.

  • #2
    May 03, 2015 | Vote0 0
    Jerusalem the ‘volcanic core’ of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israeli lawyer says
    Daniel Seidemann, who founded an organization to monitor the ongoing issues, says dividing Jerusalem is the way forward

    By Olivia Ward
    Murders, stone throwing, arrest of Palestinian children, a bloody attack on Jewish worshippers in a synagogue. The golden city of Jerusalem is tarnished by escalating Israeli-Palestinian violence that has made parts of the city no-go areas for each side.

    “The hatred is more intense and personalized and the city is more divided today than at any point since 1967,” says Daniel Seidemann, a Jerusalem lawyer and founder of Terrestrial Jerusalem, which maps, analyses and tracks the temperature of the city he calls the “volcanic core” of Israeli-Palestinian and Arab-Israeli conflicts.

    Seidemann is not alone in his conclusion. Last month a leaked European Union report warned that Jerusalem had reached a low point of “polarization and violence,” driven by Israel’s “systematic” settlement building in “sensitive areas” of the city, according to the Guardian. In the past year, it said, 19 people have died.

    But Seidemann, who has represented Palestinians in numerous cases before the Israeli Supreme Court, says that settlements are only a trigger for the outbursts of anger and violence that have exploded in Jerusalem during the past year. He spoke to the Star in Toronto Friday during a trip sponsored by Canadian Friends of Peace Now.

    “There are triggers like the heinous murder of a Palestinian teenager who was burned alive, and a sharp escalation around Temple Mount fuelled by a religious dimension. Violence in Gaza also ends up in Jerusalem. Each side tries to inflict as much pain on the other as possible.”

    But, he said, the larger problem is “a popular uprising on the street led by kids. There were 1,400 to 1,500 arrests, and about 50 per cent were under 18. What inflames hundreds or thousands of kids who aren’t criminal by nature? The answer is ‘we don’t have a future.’ ”

    Economic development alone won’t solve the problem, he points out. “Israeli rule over East Jerusalem is unfair, unjust and unproductive. That’s not because Israelis are unjust or Zionism is racism. We don’t want to rule them. They’re not Israeli, and they don’t see themselves as Israelis. It’s a dysfunctional system that won’t be repaired by getting Israel to rule better, but by moving to a situation where it no longer rules at all.”

    That means a viable peace process and taking on the thorny problem of dividing Jerusalem — a city Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and many Israelis — consider indivisible. Palestinians meanwhile are determined that it is the capital of a future Palestinian state.

    Seidemann believes polarization has actually simplified the problem.

    “Is it possible to create a border? Yes, because it’s already there. Palestinians don’t go to West Jerusalem, Israelis don’t go to East Jerusalem. The cognitive boundaries are as real as an electrified fence. The contours of Jerusalem are almost entirely self-evident. Anybody who has negotiated in earnest arrives at the same answer.”

    While much of the news focuses on expanded Jewish settlements and the absence of Palestinians at the polls, Seidemann maintains, the root problem is still Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem, which began when it captured the territory from Jordan during the 1967 war.

    “Ironically, in East Jerusalem, settlement building has pretty much exhausted itself. Almost all the available land is gone. Two major projects could take place, both of which would be devastating. But the real threat to a two-state solution is on the outskirts of Jerusalem where settlement activity threatens to fragment any future state.”

    As for voting, he says, although most Palestinians cannot vote nationally because they aren’t Israeli citizens, there are 157,000 residents who are eligible to vote in Jerusalem’s municipal elections — but just over 1,100 cast a ballot in 2013. In under-serviced East Jerusalem, “they would get a bigger share of the pie if they were to vote. But they are making a statement: we will not sell our national identity for material benefits.”

    The divisions will only deepen under the re-elected government of Netanyahu, he warns. All that can be done is to “keep that mortally ill patient called the two-state solution on life support. And to create mechanisms that will bring some measure of control over events in the interim. Nobody has easy answers.”

    Least of all, he adds, Ottawa.

    “In the past, the Canadian government punched above its weight better than anyone else, and some of the finest diplomats were from Canada. Now this well-intentioned but blind support of Israel, including policies that are insupportable, have done nothing to help.

    “Following Israel into isolation in single file is not what we need. We need to be saved from ourselves with the help of our friends.”

    Canadian plan could solve Mideast peace puzzle

    Jerusalem’s Old City is a Rorschach test for politicians. Each side sees it in a different way. And all too often neither side can see the other’s point of view, let alone approach an agreement.

    Veteran Canadian diplomat Michael Bell’s 16 years as ambassador in Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian Territories made him uniquely qualified to work on a solution for the volatile square kilometre of land that is claimed by both Jewish Israelis and Palestinians as their political and spiritual capitals.

    A co-director of the Jerusalem Old City Initiative, based at the University of Windsor, Bell has devoted the past eight years to pushing through the most daunting roadblocks to an agreement on its governance and management. The results will be published this year in a book that could provide a blueprint for solving the most sensitive problem of a Middle East peace deal. Here are some of its key points:

    Where: the plan would set up an “interim special regime” for the Old City, not greater Jerusalem.

    When: would take effect after a two-state agreement is reached by Israel and the Palestinians, ending the occupation of Palestinian land. It must also be endorsed by the UN Security Council.

    What: plan would include security, law enforcement, public services, infrastructure, zoning and environmental protection.

    Who governs: an oversight authority with representatives of Israel and Palestine and other states agreed upon by the parties, possibly including the U.S., Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Morocco. The chief administrator would be neither Israeli nor Palestinian.

    Who controls the holy sites: existing rules of religious authorities and custodians would stand, and current conditions would be frozen so no further claims or encroachments would be accepted from either side. “Changing that would be lighting a match to a tinderbox,” says Bell.

    Who secures the sites: an international chief of police would recruit officers from other countries, and Israelis and Palestinians would be included in the force.

    Temple Mount: the heart of the Mideast conflict

    Temple Mount, in the Old City of Jerusalem — known by Muslims as Haram al-Sharif — should be one of the world’s most peaceful historical sites, housing the holy sites of two of the world’s great religions. Instead, it’s one of the most disputed.

    Rich with treasures that go back several millennia, the walled compound is the source of the founding legends of Judaism and Islam, and is also sacred to Christianity.

    Consequently, neither side will give up its claims.

    For Jews it is the site of human creation, the site of the King Solomon’s Temple, built in 1,000 BC, and of the second temple erected when the Jews returned from Babylonian exile. Religious Jews believe it is where redemption will take place when the Messiah arrives.

    For Muslims it is the Noble Sanctuary, where the Prophet Muhammad was transported on a winged horse and rose to heaven in a Miraculous Night Journey commemorated by the Dome of the Rock shrine, one of the holiest in Islam. The Al-Aqsa Mosque was built to the south of the shrine.

    Toronto Star


    • #3
      Pourtant le mois d'avril est derrière nous .....oeilfermé
      " Je me rend souvent dans les Mosquées, Ou l'ombre est propice au sommeil " O.Khayaâm


      • #4
        Envoyé par Cell Voir le message
        Pourtant le mois d'avril est derrière nous .....oeilfermé
        on verra ce que ça pourrait donner, si ça n'aboutit pas ça sera une autre proposition qui rejoindra la poubelle


        • #5

          c'est prévu depuis longtemps et ce sera même le dajjal ce fameux gouverneur mondial

          réveillez-vous les laiques et athés sont toujours à la traîne les pauvres


          • #6
            réveillez-vous les laiques et athés sont toujours à la traîne les pauvres
            A la traîne lorsqu'il s'agit de croire au conte et légende.


            • #7

              en tout cas les grands de ce monde ils te suivent pas chinobi

              toi tu es un athé "utile"


              • #8
                Peu importe, les contes et légendes restent des contes et et des légendes. .


                • #9

                  n'est ce pas shinobi

