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France : encore Un marocain poursuivi pour « esclavage »

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  • #16
    Extrait du meme rapport:

    ALGERIA (Tier 2 Watch List)

    Algeria is a transit country for men and women trafficked from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.


    The Government of Algeria does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking;


    the government did not show overall progress in punishing trafficking crimes and protecting trafficking victims and continued to lack adequate measures to protect victims and prevent trafficking; therefore, Algeria is placed on Tier 2 Watch List.

    Recommendations for Algeria: Proactively implement the new anti-trafficking law by training law enforcement and judicial officials, investigating potential offenses, and prosecuting offenders; strengthen the institutional capacity to identify victims of trafficking among illegal migrants; improve services available to trafficking victims, such as shelter, medical, psychological, and legal aid; ensure victims are not punished for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being trafficked; undertake a campaign to increase public awareness of trafficking.

    Le Maroc est une source, destination et pays de transit pour les hommes, les femmes et les enfants ayant fait l’objet de traite à des fins de travail forcé et d’exploitation sexuelle commerciale

    A l’intérieur du pays, les enfants font l’objet de traite depuis les zones rurales vers les centres urbains pour travailler comme domestiques ou ouvriers, ou être soumis à l’exploitation dans le commerce sexuel.
    Maroc 4-2 Algerie


    • #17
      Maroc 4-2 Algerie
      ce serait pas plutot le contraire, mais c'est vrai a la fin tu n'est qu'une roche noire.


      • #18
        MOROCCO (Tier 2)
        • Morocco is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation.

        • Children are trafficked within the country from rural areas to urban centers to work as maids or laborers, or for exploitation in the sex trade.

        • Men, women, and children are trafficked to European and Middle Eastern countries as illegal migrants who become exploited for forced labor and prostitution.

        • Young Moroccan girls from rural areas are recruited to work as child maids in cities, but often face restrictions on movement, non-payment of wages, threats, and physical or sexual abuse.

        • Moroccan boys experience involuntary servitude as apprentices in the artisan and construction industries and in mechanic shops.

        • Transnational human trafficking in Morocco is associated with people smuggling and drug trafficking.

        • Some Moroccan women are trafficked to Gulf States, Jordan, Libya, Syria, Cyprus, and European countries for commercial sexual exploitation.

        la suite du rapport 2009 sur le trafic humain est sur le même ton...

