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Wahed edkhel lel Djama3 rafed mouss kbir. et il demandé. Radjel: Chkoun fikoum mousslim mlih?
Mel khouf, Wahed ma ripondalou sauf wahed eradjel courageux. Radjel: Teba3ni.
Kherdjou mel Djama3. Radjel: Aandi kebch habitek tedbah'houli.
Alors, le courageux edbahlou el kebch. Courageux: Na3ref nedbah mais ma na3refch nesslekh. Radjel: Ya3tih essaha, a3tini el mouss dork enrouh enchouf wahdakhour yesslekhli. Tu peux partir.
Eradjel 3awed edkhel lel djama3 avec le couteu plein de sang. Radjel: Echkoun fikoum mousslim bien?
Tout le monde pointe du doight el Imam. Imam: Ehhhhh entouma tanit! Salit bikoum zoudj rek3at ca y est redja3touni mouslim?
And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
maaskri dkhel patisserie bach yachri un flan,,, en prenant le flan dans sa main, il remarque ke celui ci bouge !!! alors il dit au patissier : 3amou !! nsena hta win i mout bach naklou ??
There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.
R4مرة طوموبيل
طلعوها لفرنسا عاودولها الحطة...
ومبعد رجعت للبلاد
جات مرسيداس تخطب فيها ما قبلتش
تخطب فيها ما قبلتش ومبعدة جا الدامبير يخطب فيها bmw
قبلت بيه وتزوجو
المرسيداس والbmwغاضهم الحال
قالتهم الR4
الدامبير فيه اربع حوايج ملاح ما كانش عندكم ..
خدام ما الشانطي ما يخرجش
ما يدورش فالليل
مايحبوهش النساء
وما يروحش بعيد
There's nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you're insightful about it.
On a appris à Kada kifach iqoulou Habba Tmar en Francais.
Wahed: Kada Comment dit on Habba Tmar en Francais?
Kada: Je ne sais pas.
Wahed: Iqouloulha "Une Date"
Kada: Saha...
Wahed: Kada o kifech iqoulou 3ardjoun en Francais?
Kada: Hadi sahla... Iqouloulou "Calendrier"...
And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.