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Foire du tourisme : L’Algérie présente à la 54e édition de l’ITB Berlin

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  • Foire du tourisme : L’Algérie présente à la 54e édition de l’ITB Berlin

    L’Algérie participe à la 54e édition de la Bourse internationale du tourisme de Berlin (ITB Berlin), prévue à Berlin (Allemagne) du 7 au 9 mars, a indiqué hier un communiqué de l’Office national du tourisme (ONAT). L’ONAT a indiqué que l’Algérie participe depuis des années à cette «manifestation touristique importante dans le monde», car «l’Allemagne est le premier pays exportateur de touristes dans le monde avec 100 millions de touristes/an qui préfèrent passer les vacances hivernales dans les régions ensoleillées». Le climat en Algérie favorise le tourisme hivernal. Pour le succès de cette participation, l’ONAT a aménagé un stand de 99 m² dont le design est inspiré du patrimoine architectural et culturel et de la diversité touristique. Plusieurs supports promotionnels en langue anglaise ont été préparés afin de faire connaître la destination touristique Algérie. Des explications et des informations seront fournies aux visiteurs et aux médias présents. Au cours de cette manifestation, les artisans présents animeront des ateliers pour faire connaître le patrimoine traditionnel algérien.


  • #2
    Pour le tourisme hivernal, les touristes auront l'embarras du choix


    • #3
      Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les organisateurs ne citent pas l'Algérie dans leur énumération des pays participants.

      High international participation

      Demand for places is high among Greek exhibitors, who are represented in Hall 1.1. Italy, Croatia, Macedonia, Malta and Bosnia, all located in Hall 1.2, are also represented in large numbers again. Albania, whose exhibitors are spread over three halls (including Hall 1.1), is also present in large numbers. In Hall 2.1, participation by Spain’s tourism industry is also impressive and features the large stands of Turespaña and the Costa del Sol. Turkey is presenting its tourism products in Halls 3.1b and 3.2a. The Business Travel (VDR association) and MICE (VDVO association) segments have always been important at ITB Berlin and this year are also represented on large stands in Hall 3.1.

      In Halls 22 and 23 visitors can also expect large representations from Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Paraguay, Surinam, Uruguay and the Caribbean islands Aruba, Curacao, Martinique, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, Barbados and the Dominican Republic.

      This year, Hall 21 is completely devoted to sub-Saharan countries, including South Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, the Seychelles, Botswana, Ghana, The Gambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zanzibar and Zambia. This year, a number of African countries, among them Ethiopia, Rwanda, Guinea and Senegal, are located in Hall 22.

      Representations from the USA and Canada are exhibiting in Hall 3.1, along with Israel. Following a break, the Condor airline is back at ITB Berlin in Hall 3.1. International representations in the ITB Career Center, Adventure / Responsible Tourism and Youth Travel segments are featured in Hall 4.1. The new ITB Lighthouse Stage in Hall 4.1b will be hosting presentations, discussions and networking events under the headings Adventure Travel, Responsible Tourism and Tourism Careers.

      Another novelty is the hall positioning: The renowned LGBTQ+ Pavilion moved to hall 4.1. Exhibitors there include Visit Malta, which will present this year’s Europride, and Communitat Valenciana, which will be represented at the Gay Games 2026, as well as Visit Buenos Aires and Visit Tampa Bay. The Munich Tourism Board, Proudly Portugal, IGLTA, TOMONTOUR, GNETwork Madrid and the Florida Keys and Key West are also represented with stands.

      As in previous years, Arab countries from North Africa and the Middle East are strongly represented, with Egypt, Morocco, Qatar and Oman located in Hall 4.2, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and newcomer Saudi Arabia in Hall 3.2b. This year, Saudi Arabia is the largest exhibitor at ITB Berlin. Its co-exhibitors include NEOM, the giant smart city project in the desert. Lebanon is back at ITB Berlin in Hall 3.2.

      In Halls 5.2a and 5.2b the focus is on India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, New Zealand, Australia and Tahiti. Bhutan is among those back at the largest marketplace for the international travel industry. The Meet The Pacific stand is new and features the Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu. VisitLuxembourg, the Dutch Tourism Board and from the Benelux countries are represented in Hall 6.2b.

      In Hall 9, Airbnb Germany is exhibiting for the first time at ITB Berlin, as are Gorgeous Smiling Hotels GmbH, Hard Rock International and HomeToGo GmbH. Other exhibitors in this hall include B&B Hotels Germany GmbH, Wheego, DRIVALIA, Green Motion, and the hotel chains NH, Marriott, Best Western, Hilton and Steigenberger. This is also the first time the Hyatt Inclusive Collection is represented at ITB Berlin, in Hall 22.

      As in previous years, the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as Ireland are strongly represented in Hall 20. The UK also has a large stand again. Among individual exhibitors, Greenland Travel is on the same area as in previous years, as are Bero Berlin, Via Hansa, GJ Travel and Icelandair. Visitors to the stand of can mail postcards for free. The following are newcomers to the show: St. Giles Hotels, V.O.S. Aps, Gainwell Sports, the Tour Partner Group, Holiday Tours Iceland, Manchester City FC, made in 2010, Boatservice Sightseeing As, Aavasaksa Lapland, as well as the European Capital of Smart Tourism, an initiative of the European Commission.

      In the Asia Hall (26a/b), the destinations awaiting visitors are Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan, Tokyo, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia. China is represented by the provinces Zhejiang and Huangshan.


      • #4


        • #5
          Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les organisateurs ne citent pas l'Algérie dans leur énumération des pays participants.
          Je pense que ce n'est pas une liste exhaustive dans ce passage, ils ne citent que les poids lourds qui représentent en quelque sorte la vitrine.

          As in previous years, Arab countries from North Africa and the Middle East are strongly represented, with Egypt, Morocco, Qatar and Oman located in Hall 4.2, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and newcomer Saudi Arabia in Hall 3.2b. This year, Saudi Arabia is the largest exhibitor at ITB Berlin. Its co-exhibitors include NEOM, the giant smart city project in the desert. Lebanon is back at ITB Berlin in Hall 3.2.

