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Maroc-Algérie : qui remportera la bataille des gazoducs ?

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  • #16

    Maroc-Algérie : qui remportera la bataille des gazoducs ?

    Le Nigéria d'abord.

    Le Maroc ensuite.

    L'Algerie, etait un pays deja gazier, sera perdante dans les deux cas. D'ailleurs quelqu'un doit m'expliquer comment permettre a son concurrent direct continental d'exporter vers l'Europe est un avantage pour l'Algerie
    "Tout ce qui te dérange chez les autres, c'est seulement une projection de ce que tu n'as pas résolu en toi-même" - Bouddha


    • #17
      Cela permettra au Nigéria de pénétrer le marché européen, et réciproquement de faire des échanges entre les pays d'Afrique de l'ouest et l'Algérie.

      Par principe de vase communiquant l'Algérie pourra même faire produire du GNL côté Afrique de l'ouest, et les Africains de l'ouest côté algérien.

      Inch'Allah la fraternité entre producteurs africains.
      J'aime surfer sur la vague du chaos.


      • #18
        Lorsque jeune á fric fait de la réclame pour le gazoduc en osant comparer un projet viable finançable logique avec une fourberie, soyez certains que eux mêmes n’y croient pas.
        l'autre projet n'existe pas.


        • #19

          et quand c'est la presse Nigériane qui en parle, ca devient quoi????

          A worthy endeavour

          • Fed. Govt must work toward realisation of the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Project

          The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) is making incremental progress towards delivering the Nigeria-Morocco Gas pipeline. Last week, it signed another batch of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the national oil companies of Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Sierra Leone, in furtherance of the project. On September 15, 2022, the NNPCL and the Moroccan National Oil Company signed similar MoU with the ECOWAS Commission, while it earlier signed agreements with Petrosen of Senegal and SMH of Mauritania.

          The gas pipeline will cover a stretch of 7,000 kilometres with about 13 compressor stations in Nigeria and other various points. It will be a 48-inch 5,300 kilometre pipeline starting offshore from Brass Island in Nigeria to Dakhla, Morocco, and 56-inch 1,700 kilometre version continuing to the northern part of Morocco, to connect to the Maghreb European Pipeline (MEP) which feeds the European market through Spain. The $25 billion gas pipeline started in 2017 will be delivered over the next 25 years, precisely by 2046.

          There are enormous benefits to be derived from the project for Nigeria and all the nations of Africa concerned. According to the Group Chief Executive Officer of the NNPCL, Mele Kyari: “Natural gas must play a crucial role, as a transition fuel, on our path to net-zero. Gas will support the establishment of base load energy capacity, stabilisation of the grid to allow for integration of renewables at scale and addressing our clean cooking fuel deficit in the form of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).”

          Mr Kyari also noted that there are other benefits for the countries, as well as the African continent. These include creation of wealth and improvement in standard of living for the citizens of the various countries, increased cooperation among the countries, and the mitigation of desertification and the challenges of carbon emission across the countries. No doubt, Nigeria and the entire African continent stand to benefit immensely from the wealth and clean energy that the commercialisation of the rich gas resources of Nigeria portends.

          Also, the European market which has suffered significant backlash in the supply of gas from Russia, arising from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will benefit. The Russian gas pipeline into Europe through Germany, carries up to 170 million cubic metres of gas, but Russia has used the pretext of repairs to intermittently shut the pipeline for days. Reacting to the latest shutdown, the EU Council President Charles Michel vowed that the “Use of gas as a weapon will not change the resolve of the EU. We will accelerate our path towards energy independence. Our duty is to protect our citizens and support the freedom of Ukraine.”

          Of note, Nigeria has been described as more of a gas-endowed country than crude oil. According to the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) website, Nigeria has proven crude oil reserves of 37,050 (million barrels) while the proven gas reserves is 5,848 (billion cu. m.). It is estimated that Nigeria has proven reserves equivalent to 306.3 times its annual consumption, that is about 306 years of gas to be tapped; and there are unproven reserves. And just recently, oil and gas reserves at commercial quantity has been discovered in the Gongola basin of the country.

          We commend the President Muhammadu Buhari administration for the giant strides in further commercialising the enormous gas resources of the country, and King Mohammed VI of Morocco, for the partnership. The move would yield tremendous foreign direct investments for both countries. It would also lead to elimination of gas flaring and the consequent environmental degradation. We hope NNPCL has taken patriotic steps to ensure Nigeria reaps maximum benefits from the project, devoid of personal interests of government officials.

          sortez un peu de la bulle DZ


          • #20
            Le "Tiyou" algerien est presque achevé, il se trouve deja prés de la frontière du Niger et les autres en mode Tchra..E_K croient vraiment a cette connerie de gazoduc qui traverse 11 pays, les droits de passages et les frais d'acheminement , les stations de compression et de decompression (Chaque 200KM) feront de ce gaz le plus cher du monde entre 6 et 7fois plus cher que le GNL deja 3 fois plus cher, du vrai TCHR...E_K


            • #21
              Faut aller pleurer chez les nigériens mon ami
              "Tout ce qui te dérange chez les autres, c'est seulement une projection de ce que tu n'as pas résolu en toi-même" - Bouddha


              • #22
                mcharague lfoum ne peut pas parler au nigérians.... ils vont lui dihha f sou9 rassek

                mais entre nous la meilleure, c'est l'arrêt du gazoduc qui passe par le Maroc pour l'Espagne, et l'Europe a comprit que ce sont des gamins qui dirigent l'Algérie...

