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L'Algérie reçoit deux nouveaux avions SU-30 MKA

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  • #16
    Merci pour l'info, tant mieux, comme ca ils s'assuront au moins qu'ils recoivent des appreils neufs


    • #17

      Pas tout le temps car c'est selon le contrat.

      Les premiers Mig 29 que l'Algerie a acheté, c'était de la ***** hachak.

      Plusieurs accident soit a cause de l'avion ou du pilote mal entraîner. En 2000, un pilote a réussi a couper un Mig 29 en deux juste au moment de l'atterrissage !!!!


      • #18
        babanoual est passé


        • #19
          Mbrouk - meme si ils sont achete contre nous -
          les SU-30 sont des supers avions de spectacle
          pk ne pas faire une Patrouille aérienne de spectacle ce sera cool
          au moins ils vont servire a qlq chose


          • #20
            citation de forgetgo
            Non mais quand on est entouré de voisins type khadafi etc. autant être capable de protéger l'intégrité de son territoire surtout qu'il y a déjà eut des précédents....
            Les arabes doivent éviter de se faire la course aux armements, tt le monde sait que ces armes ne seront jamais utilisé contre un ennemi qui ne viendra pas et l'exemple de l'irak qui envahit le koweit est un bon exemple, celui qui franchit la frontière est mort. Pourquoi avoir peur de kaddafi, s'il a de l'argent à gaspiller en armement libre à lui, on sait qu'elle va rejoindre le cimetière de ferrailles qui jonchent les desert de lybie et d'ailleurs, donc arretons d'affoler tt le monde.


            • #21
              ce que j'ai trouvé comme comparaison entre Su - 30MKI et F - 16C et F/A-18E/F



              • #22
                L'article en version originale :

                Su-30MKI and F-16C and F/A-18E/F

                An analysis of air force inventories in the majority of countries in the Asia-Pacific region indicates that local fighter forces mostly consist of obsolete U.S.-made F-5 and F-4 aircraft. Only a few air forces are armed with relatively new versions of the F-16 and F/A-18 fighters.

                An analysis of air force inventories in the majority of countries in the Asia-Pacific region indicates that local fighter forces mostly consist of obsolete U.S.-made F-5 and F-4 aircraft. Only a few air forces are armed with relatively new versions of the F-16 and F/A-18 fighters.

                Purchases by India of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighters, which have significantly enhanced combat capabilities of the Indian Air Force, and previous sales of the Su-27 and Su-30 fighters to China and Vietnam may determine further development of air forces in the Asia-Pacific region and help maintain the balance of power.

                The competition on the Asia-Pacific military aircraft market, made ever keener by the recent sales of the Su-30MKI fighters, requires from potential buyers a clear understanding of basic specifics of aircraft.

                The flight performance, technical characteristics and combat capabilities of any aircraft primarily depend on their assigned role, tactical tasks and mission environment. These factors alone distinguish the Russian fighter from its foreign counterparts.

                The Su-30MKI design, having retained the best features of the unsurpassed Su-27 air-superiority fighter, boasts enhanced functional capabilities. It should be noted that comparison of the Su-30MKI, a heavy-class fighter, with the F-16C Block 50, F-16C Block 60, and F-18E/F aircraft is largely theoretical, as they belong to conceptually different fighter classes and have their own, preferential areas of combat employment. For example, the F-18E/F version, owing to the F/A-18 basic design, features a more pronounced strike-mission capability, while in terms of dimensions, this aircraft is close to the Russian fighter.

                The basic tactical and technical characteristics determining the capabilities of any aircraft include its flight performance and avionics and armament characteristics. Their analysis makes it possible to compare aircraft and assess the level of their technical perfection.

                The Su-30MKI’s structural and aerodynamic configuration incorporates the latest research and technological achievements. It is a triplane (a combination of conventional design with foreplanes) with a lifting fuselage and developed wingroot extensions. The interaction of the foreplanes and wingroot extensions creates a controlled vortex effect similar to that of the adaptive wing. The F-16 and F-18 designs were developed in the early and mid-1970s. In terms of maximum aerodynamic efficiency, the Su-30MKI, like all Su-27-family aircraft, is unparalleled in the world and outperforms the above foreign counterparts by at least 50 to 100 percent. This is why the latest modernization programs, which gave birth to the F-16C Block 60 and F-18E/F versions, involved the increase of wing span, fuselage length and control surface areas and significantly changed the structural configuration and general layout of their basic versions.

                Engines with thrust-vectoring nozzles enable the Su-30MKI to perform such maneuvers as «cobra» vertical reverse, roll in «bell» turn in «cobra» etc. In these maneuvers, an angle of attack can reach 180o. These are not purely aerobatic maneuvers: this supermaneuverability can be effectively used in combat. As for the F-16 and F-18 aircraft, their maximum angles of attack are 30o and 40o, respectively, and they cannot use armament at supercritical angles of attack.

                In terms of conventional maneuverability characteristics, all these fighters are very similar. However, according to preliminary assessments, the Su-30MKI’s supermaneuverability gives it a 30-percent superiority over its competitors in close air combat. Aircraft multiple capabilities put into the forefront the problem of effective weapon employment. To solve this problem, the Su-30MKI has a copilot/operator to improve the crew’s performance, weapon employment efficiency and provide for group missions.

                The role of avionics in aircraft combat employment is ever growing. A number of the Su-30MKI fighter’s subsystems (navigation and communications equipment, cockpit instruments) are being developed jointly with foreign companies. Consequently, these subsystems will be technologically on a par with the best foreign counterparts. The superiority of the Su-30MKI’s radar in terms of target detection range, scanning sectors and jamming immunity makes it highly effective in long-range air combat.
                Modern Russian fighters are equipped with an advanced optronic system designed to search, detect, lock on, automatically track aerial and ground targets and destroy them by onboard weapons. An optical locating station and a helmet-mounted sight incorporated by the system provide for effective weapon employment against aerial targets. The high accuracy and jamming immunity of the system interfaced with the onboard radar make it possible to detect targets at a range of up to 50 km and engage them in good time, significantly enhancing the fighter’s overall combat capabilities. The helmet-mounted sights have only recently appeared on foreign fighters. As for optronic equipment used against ground targets, the capabilities of the F-16’s LANTIRN and F-18E/F’s ATFLIR systems are close to those of the Russian-made analog, although foreign developers maintain a priority in this field.

                Compared to the F-16C Block 50, a heavy weapon load carried by the Su-30MKI significantly (by 20 percent) reduces the time required to defeat ground targets by one sortie, especially when using aerial bombs. The F-18E/F fighter is planned to have a similar combat load capacity in the future.

                Notably, in terms of quantity and types of weapons, the Russian fighter considerably outclasses the F-16C Block 50 and F-16C Block 60 aircraft. Only the F-18E/F is close to the Su-30MKI in this respect.

                In terms of target designation angles, maneuverability, etc., the R-73E close-range air-to-air missile in service with the Su-30MKI significantly outperforms similar foreign missiles and is rightly considered the world’s best in its class. The high energy and ballistic parameters of the Su-30MKI’s long-range air-to-air missiles, combined with the capability of its radar, allow it to deliver preventive strikes against aerial targets, including its potential rivals.

                Fitted with 12 weapon stores, carrying a full complement of air-to-air missiles and featuring a multichannel target engagement capability, the Su-30MKI fighter can be effectively used to repulse a massive air raid.
                The Su-30MKI has a twofold advantage over the F-16 aircraft in the number of simultaneously carried air-to-ground guided weapons, which are also more efficient. High-power guided weapons carried by the Su-30MKI enable it to defeat deeply buried, hardened and superhardened priority targets. The Su-30MKI’s medium-range guided missile can be launched at stand-off ranges. The F-18E/F fighter is expected to be armed with similar missiles after 2005. It will be also equipped with air-to-surface missiles guided by a satellite navigation system, although export deliveries of these aircraft are unlikely in the near future.

                Antiradar and antiship missiles in service with the Su-30MKI fighter excel their foreign couterparts in their mean speed.The Su-30MKI’s gun features higher accuracy and better armor piercing capability against lightly armored vehicles. Owing to its unique features which favorably distinguish it from foreign counterparts, the Su-30MKI is rightly considered one of the best multirole fighters at the beginning of the 21st century.


                • #23

                  Aircraft combat capabilities are usually assessed using complex efficiency indicators defining aircraft overall performance. According to preliminary estimates, in long-range air combat, the Su-30MKI outperforms the F-16C Block 60, F-16C Block 50 and F-18E/F aircraft by 15, 20 and 12-15 percent, respectively, owing to its radar’s greater detection range, higher jamming immunity and multichannel capability, as well as better maneuverability.

                  he Su-30MKI’s supermaneuverability and better air-to-air missiles give this aircraft superiority in close air combat in which it excels the F-16C Block 50 by 10-15 percent, F-16C Block 60 by 20-30 percent (as the high wing loading significantly limits its maneuverability in close-range combat), and F-18E/F by 15-20 percent.

                  In terms of ground strike capabilities, the Su-30MKI outperforms the F-16C Block 50 by 50 percent and the F-16C Block 60 by 100 percent owing to its better surveillance and fire control radar system, higher survivability, better maneuverability, heavier combat load and longer flight range. The F-18E/F, following its modernization which has increased its flight range, armament suite and ammunition load and upgraded its surveillance and fire control radar system, still lags behind the Su-30MKI in strike capability by 15 to 20 percent.

                  Another distinguishing feature of the Su-30MKI is its high versatility. It can be used as an air defense interceptor, a strike aircraft or a flying command post. It can be used as a leader aircraft of combined fighter groups (including those of light fighters), ensuring their cooperation and concentration of efforts. In addition, the SDU-10MK digital fly-by-wire control system makes it possible to use the Su-30MKI as a combat trainer.
                  The above comparative analysis of the Su-30MKI’s combat performance and technical characteristics demonstrate that this aircraft is capable of attaining air superiority, repulsing massive air raids, supporting combat actions of other air groups, destroying a wide range of ground and naval targets, and executing various special missions.

                  The Su-30MKI can operate over short ranges and also fulfill autonomous long-range missions. Unlike the F-16 and F-18 aircraft, the Su-30MKI’s short-range operation will not reveal all its capabilities, yet its advantages here are still obvious. Hopefully, the above assessment will allow potential customers to evaluate the combat capabilities of the Russian fighter and its main rivals on the Asia-Pacific aircraft market.


                  • #24
                    Merci A/Ali pour cet excellent article qui confirme encore la suprématie du SU-30 surtout sa version MKI et par conséquent la version MKA sur tout ce que les américains peuvent aligner devant lui comme F 15 ou F16 et meme le F 18 de différentes références.

                    Ce n'est pas un hasard si l'inde a décidé de commander 140 de ces remarquables avions de combat

                    Et voilà juste une photo tirée du meme article qui montre bien la différence de catégorie entre le F 16 et le SU-30.

                    Ou celle là :

                    Dernière modification par mendz, 26 décembre 2007, 04h09.


                    • #25
                      c le cadet des soucis des algeriens de savoir de quels type d'avions l'algerie se dote ou s'ils sont meilleurs que ceux du maroc


                      • #26
                        c le cadet des soucis des algeriens de savoir de quels type d'avions l'algerie se dote ou s'ils sont meilleurs que ceux du maroc

                        je trouve sa dommage , vraiment dommage que les deux pays se livrent à ce jeu enfantin qui est d'avoir le plus beau le plus plumeux zoizeau que l'autre
                        ce n'est pas en fesant cette stupide course à l'armement que la confiance serra restauré entre les deux pays
                        de l'argent jetté par dessus les fenetres alors qu'il y a de graves fleau qui sevissent dans nos deux pays respectifs qui est la pauvreté, la corruption ...etc


                        • #27
                          mille fois vrai!! tenebre 2 pays sous-developpés en voie de disparition :22: une vraie calamité, tout le fric et de l'energie depensés wallah
                          La pire chose pour l'Homme, serait qu'il meurt idiot.
                          De grâce épargnez-moi la prolixe, la syntaxe et la chiffrerie à tout va
                          " TOUCHE PAS A MA NAPPE ALBIENNE "


                          • #28
                            Le Sukhoï 30.

                            Il faut savoir que le meilleur et principal avion de combat des US actuellement est le F15.
                            Combat simulé entre un F15 et Sukhoï 30

                            Le Sukoy 30 l'emporte par une victoire sans appel de 9 à 1

                            « des engagements en combat aérien, dans une campagne d’entraînement durant les mois de juin et de juillet, entre des F-15C de l’USAF (Alaskan Air Command), et des Sukhoï Su-30K de la force aérienne indienne, ont provoqué une immense impression en Inde. Les avions indiens ont dominé les F-15 américains selon le ratio de 9 victoires contre 1 en combat aérien simulé. C’est une humiliation sans précédent pour l’USAF. «


                            Video 1
                            Video 2


                            • #29
                              il faut compare la Su-30 avec sa generation les F-35 par exemple
                              mais puisque tous ses apparail ne sont pas fabrique ni au maroc ni en algerie
                              se qu'il faut compare c les pilotes , mais -heuresment - il n yavais aucun affrontement entre les deux , apart l'experience des FRA ( sur l'attaque au sol et le delopage des missiles SAM ) , ou c elle des AAF ( les Super-crashs sur les tets des terros )


                              • #30
                                Envoyé par tenebre
                                de l'argent jetté par dessus les fenetres alors qu'il y a de graves fleau qui sevissent dans nos deux pays respectifs qui est la pauvreté, la corruption ...etc
                                Ceci est valable pour ton pays et pas pour l'Algérie.

                                Pour la simple raison que l'Algérie a un surplus d'argent, elle en a plus que ce que son économie et son infrastructure peut absorber en investissements ou projets étatiques.

                                Le problème en Algérie ce n'est pas la rareté de l'argent mais le manque flangrant de bons gestionnaires et d'entreprises capables de réaliser d'une manière éfficace et optimale le travail qui leur est assigné.

                                Ce qui implique que les travaux trainent en longueur, la qualité est médiocre et l'appel aux entreprises étrangères pour les grands projets stratégiques est une nécessité.

                                Il faut savoir aussi pendant la décennie noir et le manque de trésorerie qui a affecté l'Algérie, le renouvellement du matériel militaire était mis en veilleuse parce qu'il y avait d'autres priorités pour les dépenses.

                                Donc le problème du Maroc et de l'Algérie sont différents puisque bien équiper son armée est légitime et acceptable à condition d'avoir les moyens de sa politique ce qui est le cas de l'Algérie et non pas celui du Maroc puisque offrir aux américains 2,4 milliards de $ pour de vieux avions d'occasion est vraiment du gaspillage de l'argent public, mais tu me dira que le Maroc appartiens entièrement au Malik et qu'il peut dépenser sans compter surtout pour faire plaisir et soudoyer ses maitres et parrains.

                                Donc si tu as des leçons à donner c'est plutot pour le Maroc que tu dois les réserver et non pas pour l'Algérie.

