Aucune annonce.
Selon un rapport du PNUD : l’Algérie est désormais un pays développé
Ça fait plaisir d’être entouré de pays développés. D'abord l'espagne et daba algerie. Khass daba mauritania 7ta hiya developpa chwiya (mab9alha walou raha 9riba) et le tour est joué. On sera alors un centre non-developpé entouré de bcp de développement. Quelle chance on a quand même.
À 0:17 la carte comporte une frontiere entre l'Allemagne de l'est et de celle de l'ouest
Ils ont reçu les info sur la chute du mur de Berlin ??Dernière modification par AARROU, 24 août 2016, 20h11."Les petits esprits parlent des gens, les esprits moyens parlent des événements, les grands esprits parlent des idées, et les esprits supérieurs agissent en silence."
MOMS13salam! meme dans milles ans l algerie ne sera pas developpe paroles d homme
C'est comme si un homme des cavernes veut contredire Einstein
The 2015 Human Development Report is the product of the Human Development Report Office (HDRO) at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The findings, analysis and policy recom
mendations of the Report are those of HDRO alone and cannot be attributed to UNDP or to its Executive Board. The UN General Assembly has officially recognized the Human Development Report as “an independent intellectual exercise” that has become “an important tool for raising awareness about human development around the world.”
The Report has benefited from a series of contributions by eminent people and organizations.
Particular appreciation is due for the signed contributions by HE Mr. Benigno S. Aquino III
(President of the Philippines), Leymah Gbowee (winner of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize), HE
Ms. Roza Otunbayeva (former president of Kyrg yzstan), Nohra Padilla (recipient of the
2013 Goldman Environmental Prize), Orhan Pamuk (winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in
Literature), Robert Reich (former United States Secretary of Labor), Kailash Satyarthi (winner
of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize) and HE Mr.Maithripala Sirisena (President of Sri Lanka).
Appreciations are also extended for contributions commissioned from the following
authors: Antonio Andreoni, Marizio Atzeni, Fred Block, David Bloom, Jacques Charmes,
Martha Chen, Diane Coyle, Christopher Cramer, Peter Evans, Peter Frase, Nancy
Folbre, Marina Gorbis, Kenneth Harttgen, Rolph Eric van der Hoeven, Rizwanul Islam,
Patrick Kabanda, Claudio Montenegro, Nameera Nuzhat, Dani Rodrik, Jill Rubery,
Malcolm Sawyer, Frances Stewart, Miguel Szekely, Marilyn Waring and Lanying Zhang.
Discussions with experts in many disciplines are equally necessary and valuable for the
development of the Report, starting with an informal sounding round, followed by con
sultations with a designated advisory panel for the 2015 Report. The commitment of time,
advice and reviews from the following individuals are highly valued: Amartya Sen, Sudhir
Anand, Amy Armenia, Martha Chen, Mignon Duffy, Peter Evans, Nancy Folbre, Gary
Gereffi, Enrico Giovannini, Marina Gorbis, James Heintz, Jens Lerche, José Antonio
Ocampo, Samir Radwan, Akihiko Tanaka, Lester Salamon, Frances Stewart, Rob Voss,
Rebecca Winthrop and Ruan Zongze.
The Statistical Advisory Panel plays a critical role in extending expert advice on methodologies and data choices related to the calculation of the Report’s indices. Its members are
Wasmalia Bivar, Martine Durand, Haishan Fu, Pascual Gerstenfeld, Ifeyinwa Isiekwe, Yemi
Kale, Rafael Diez de Medina, Fiona Robertson and Michaela Saisana. The composite indices
and other statistical resources in the Report also rely on the expertise of the leading international data providers in their specialized fields.
To ensure accuracy and clarity, the statistical analysis has also benefitted from discussions
of statistical issues with Gisela Robles Aguilar, Sabina Alkire, Jacques Charmes, Kenneth
Harttgen, Claudio Montenegro and Yang yang Shen. I deeply appreciate their contributions.
The Report also benefitted from dialogues with representatives from national statistical
offices to further refine and update source data used for the compilation of internationally
generated indicators.
The consultations convened during preparation of the Report relied on the generous
support of many institutions and individuals who are too numerous to mention here.
Events and consultations were held in Accra, Boston, Geneva and Singapore (participants and partners are listed at
A Report focusing on work would not have been possible without extensive consultations and generous investment of time by a wide range of colleagues at the International
Labour Organization both in Geneva and New York. Colleagues at the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations
Volunteers and UN Women also offered much valued insights and commentary. Valuable financial contributions were received from the Governments of France and Germany.
Dernière modification par AARROU, 24 août 2016, 21h18."Les petits esprits parlent des gens, les esprits moyens parlent des événements, les grands esprits parlent des idées, et les esprits supérieurs agissent en silence."
MOMS13salam! le pire c est que certain algeriens croient que nle pays et developper !je suis en algerie de puis 1 mois l eau m arrive une fois tout les deux jours les coupures de corants n en finissent pas ! guallek developper!!"Les petits esprits parlent des gens, les esprits moyens parlent des événements, les grands esprits parlent des idées, et les esprits supérieurs agissent en silence."
je suis en algerie de puis 1 mois l eau m arrive une fois tout les deux jours les coupures de corants n en finissent pas !
Nul n’est plus désespérément esclave, que ceux faussement convaincus d’être libres"-JWVG