Si, ils ont quelque chose de plus que les Algériens n'ont pas, savoir mettre en route des gros projets ent un temps record ainsi que la gestion des biens qu'ils ont construit et surtout l'expérience qui fait parti du capital technique, pas seulement le capital au sens argent.
Following Emaar’s expansion into the education business came that of its healthcare initiative in March 2006 where the property leader announced its plans to enter the healthcare sector in the MENA and South Asia markets.
Emaar’s plan involves the construction of hospitals, clinics and medical centres and investing in the provision of world-class healthcare services. With a total investment outlay of around AED 18.35 billion (US$5 billion) over the next decade,
Emaar’s plan is to develop and manage around 100 hospitals each with 200 bed capacities and super medical specialities added in key centres.
Emaar’s plan involves the construction of hospitals, clinics and medical centres and investing in the provision of world-class healthcare services. With a total investment outlay of around AED 18.35 billion (US$5 billion) over the next decade,
Emaar’s plan is to develop and manage around 100 hospitals each with 200 bed capacities and super medical specialities added in key centres.