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Wirtgen’s North African road

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  • Wirtgen’s North African road

    un article qui parles de l'autoroute maghrebine.
    10 h pour faire le maroc jusqu'a la frontiere tunisio-lybiene.
    j'imagine un jour cette autoroute pleine de grand camion qui font du transport inter maghrebain.

    sweet dream, mais tous est possible dans ce monde, quand on voie un noir a la tete du monde tous est possible.

    Wirtgen’s North African road
    Written by Steve Skinner - 19 Jan 2009

    1200 km of six lane motorway in Algeria is scheduled for completion later this year and Wirtgen Group is paving the way for contractors to meet deadline.

    The Autoroute Transmaghrébine is currently the world’s largest road construction project. Once completed, the motorway will cover more than 3200 km and connect Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya in North Africa.

    “The economic importance of this road construction is tremendous and once the whole project is linked it will represent the most crucial economic nerve for the region,” said a spokesperson from the National Road Agency. “Once completed, we expect the travel time from the Tunisian-Libyan border to Morocco to be just ten hours.”

    Three construction consortia have been working on the Algerian section of the project since March 2007, with the Japanese consortium COJAAL constructing the eastern section running from Bordj Bou Arreridj to Tunisia. A subsection around Algiers is being constructed by Algerian contractors Altro and Cosider, while the rest is being handled by a Chinese consortium of CITIC and CRCC.

    The pavement quality, in terms of resistance to deformation, has to meet exacting standards in order to cope with the expected traffic volumes. To ensure these standards are met, all super pavers on the project are equipped with Vögele high compaction screeds.

    The Japanese consortium is using 12 Vögele Super 2100-2 pavers, each equipped with Vögele’s AB 600-2 TP2 extending screed, as well as four Super 1900-2 pavers with AB 500-2 TP2 extending screeds. For grade and slope control, the consortium is using Vögele’s Roadscan sensor system.

    For final compaction, the Japanese consortium is operating a fleet of eight 12-tonne HD 120 tandem rollers and eight 18-tonne GRW rubber-tyred rollers produced by Hamm.

    The Chinese consortium is also using Vögele Super 2100-2 pavers, with 13 machines operating at a pave width of 12.5 m. Each paver is combined with a TP1 version SB 250 fixed-width screed for high compaction. Supplementary work such as the hard shoulders is being handled by three Super 1300-2 pavers from Vögele’s compact range.

    For grade and slope control, the consortium is using Niveltronic Plus in combination with Vögele’s big multiplex ski, which operates with three sonic sensors attached to a beam capable of scanning up to 13 m.

    Altro and Cosider have also elected to use Vögele equipment in their works around Algiers. The local contractors are operating two Super 1800-2 and two Super 1800-1 pavers on 14-hour shifts. All four pavers are equipped with high compaction screeds.

    Once completed, the Autoroute Transmaghrébine will link 55 cities with a total population of more than 50 million, as well as 22 international airports and key sea ports. Thought is also being given to constructing a tunnel beneath the Straits of Gibraltar to link North Africa with Europe in the future

  • #2
    10 heures? non il faut compter 3 heures dans chaque frontières en compagnie de douanes moustachus
    La haine aveugle


    • #3
      un noir

      Obama est METISSE, faut dire la realite , si on dit quil est noir, on a autant le droit de dire quil est blanc, puisque il est aucun des deux, c le premier president non-blanc des etats unis mais pas le premier president noir

      PS : La mere d'Obama est Blanche


      • #4
        oui mais il est plus proche du noir que du blanc
        presque pareil que moi, mais qui suis dans le camps opposé, puisque plus proche du blanc que du noir

        ces qualificatifs ne prennent un sens péjoratif que pour les racistes


        • #5
          2010 le maroc et l algérie finiront leurs engagmenent vis a vis ce projet mais pas la tunisie et la libye. etant donné que la frontiere entre dz et ma est fermée, ce projet restera sans esprit pour pas mal de temps
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together....
          You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning....


          • #6
            tu sais au usa quand tu remplis un papier pour un papier, il te demande si tu es.

            noire, cocasian, asian, latino, autre

            tu crois, il choisis quoi comme reponse?


            • #7
              en fait ce qui derange les americains chez les hussein c'est la moustache


              • #8
                Ouais il est plus proche du noir que du blanc mais il est pas noir ./

                Apres c comme meme une grande avancee puisque les USA se font gouverner par un afro-americain.


                • #9
                  Et par rapport à l'autoroute, vous ne croyez pas que ça pourrait être bien si dans qlq années, on pourrait faire un agadir-frontières libiennes avec une autoroute continue! c'est tout le maghreb qui va en bénificier.

                  Du coté marocain et algérien les deadlines sont respectés, mais est ce que du coté tunisien il y a du nouveau?


                  • #10
                    on pourrait faire un agadir-frontières libiennes avec une autoroute continue!

                    Une paralelle a l'EST-OUEST ?
                    Ca serait trop cher je pense


                    • #11
                      en algérie c''est la deuxieme autoroute du hautplateaux? ou non?
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together....
                      You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning....

