Can we prove there is no God? Does it make sense to equate religion with science? Do theists have a monopology on morality or is secular morality superior? Was Richard Dawkins right to bring up the religious beliefs of Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney?
Cara Santa Maria (Senior Science Correspondent, leads this week's panel on 'The Point' to discuss these issues and more with Michael Shermer (Publisher - Skeptic Magazine), Sean Carroll (Theoretical Physicist - Caltech), and Edward Falzon (author of 'Being Gay Is Disgusting'). Special thanks to James Randi (Founder: James Randi Educational Foundation), Paul Zachary "PZ" Myers (*******: - Professor U Of MN-Morris), and AJ Johnson (Development Director for 'American Atheists') for sending in their points.
Cara Santa Maria (Senior Science Correspondent, leads this week's panel on 'The Point' to discuss these issues and more with Michael Shermer (Publisher - Skeptic Magazine), Sean Carroll (Theoretical Physicist - Caltech), and Edward Falzon (author of 'Being Gay Is Disgusting'). Special thanks to James Randi (Founder: James Randi Educational Foundation), Paul Zachary "PZ" Myers (*******: - Professor U Of MN-Morris), and AJ Johnson (Development Director for 'American Atheists') for sending in their points.