Biensur les hebreux et les juifs sont distincts des arabes mais il n'emepeche que les deux descenderaient d'un seul homme apparu en mesopotamie-levant il ya 8-10 milles ans.
Selon le recit religieux,le prophete savs descendrait d'Ismail as(celui qui ecoute dieu en semite)frere de Yitzhaq as(celui qui rit en semite)[duquel descendraient les juifs/hebreux]et fils d'Ibrahim as(pere venere/de peuples??? en semite)
On sait que les genealogistes Arabes ramenent le prophete savs au prophete Ibrahim as,cependant c'est difficile d'imaginer une genealogie plus que pentamilleanire sauf peut etre pour un peuple aussi tribalise et a forte tradition orale comme les Arabes d'Arabie.
Une recente recherche sur les "achrafs"(descendnats d'Ali as cousin du prophete savs)a montre qu'ils partagent le haplotype J1.
Et l'on sait que les Kohen juifs(descendants d'Ibrahim via Aaron)sont majoriatirement J1(avec d'autres haplotypes mineurs qu'on peut expliquer par le fait que la "juivete" peut passer par la mere-imaginer la fille d'un kohen marie a un "etranger" son fils aura le haplotype de son pere "etranger" et non pas j1)
Ce qui est suggestif est le fait que et les Juifs et les Arabes semblent tres interesses par chercher une genealogie kohen&davidic/sharifs respectivement.
Le haplotype J1 est un sous haplotype du haplgroupe J (associe peut etre aux langues nostratiques)et il est decrit comme marqueur semitique(ou peut etre aussi sud-nostratique semite en opposition a J2 nord nostratique indo-europeen-cad les Europeens parleraient des langues nostratiques originaires d'est anatolie et non des langues europeenes originelles comme le Basque)
Une autre recherche genetique mais sur le DNA autosomal,cad qui vise a determiner quels sont les peuples les plus pres genetiquement et non se limiter a ceux qui partagent un ancetre commun meme s'ils sont tres differents genetiquement et phenotypiquement du fait d'eloignement et consequents melanges "externes" a conclut que les "juifs",sont le plus proches peuple des Arabes,genetiquement parlant.
Selon le recit religieux,le prophete savs descendrait d'Ismail as(celui qui ecoute dieu en semite)frere de Yitzhaq as(celui qui rit en semite)[duquel descendraient les juifs/hebreux]et fils d'Ibrahim as(pere venere/de peuples??? en semite)
On sait que les genealogistes Arabes ramenent le prophete savs au prophete Ibrahim as,cependant c'est difficile d'imaginer une genealogie plus que pentamilleanire sauf peut etre pour un peuple aussi tribalise et a forte tradition orale comme les Arabes d'Arabie.
Une recente recherche sur les "achrafs"(descendnats d'Ali as cousin du prophete savs)a montre qu'ils partagent le haplotype J1.
Et l'on sait que les Kohen juifs(descendants d'Ibrahim via Aaron)sont majoriatirement J1(avec d'autres haplotypes mineurs qu'on peut expliquer par le fait que la "juivete" peut passer par la mere-imaginer la fille d'un kohen marie a un "etranger" son fils aura le haplotype de son pere "etranger" et non pas j1)
Y-chromosomal Aaron
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Y-chromosomal Aaron is the name given to the hypothesised most recent common ancestor of many of the patrilineal Jewish priestly caste known as Kohanim (singular "Kohen", "Cohen", or Kohane). In the Hebrew Bible this ancestor is identified as Aaron, the brother of Moses. Research published in 1997 and thereafter has indicated that some contemporary Jewish Kohanim share Y-chromosomal Haplogroup J1 (Y-DNA) with a set of genetic markers, known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype, which may well derive from a single common ancestor. Later, in 2007, the same team announced that they found another common set of genetic marker related to present-day traditional Kohanim families in Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA).
[edit] Background
Although membership in the Jewish community has, since at least the second century CE, been passed maternally (see: Who is a Jew?), membership in the group that originally comprised the Jewish priesthood ("Cohen" or "Kohen"; plural: Kohanim), is patrilineal. Modern Kohens claim descent from a biblical person, Aaron, brother of Moses, in the direct lineage from Levi, the patriarch of the Tribe of Levi, greatgrandson of Abraham, according to the tradition codified in the Tanakh (שמות / Sh'mot/Exodus 6). DNA testing is aiding scholars to trace the lineages found among modern Jewish populations, including contemporary Cohen families, to decipher origins of the people groups that were joined to the ancient Israelites and to identify genetic admixture and genetic drift.
For human beings, the normal number of chromosomes is 46, of which 23 are inherited from each parent. Two chromosomes, the X chromosome and Y chromosome, determine sex. Women have two X chromosomes, one inherited from their mother, and one inherited from their father. Men have an X chromosome inherited from their mother, and the Y chromosome inherited from their father.
Males who share a common patrilineal ancestor should also share a Y chromosome, diverging only with respect to accumulated mutations. Since Y-chromosomes are passed from father to son, all Kohanim men should theoretically have almost identical Y chromosomes; this can be tested with a genealogical DNA test. As the rate that mutations accumulate on the Y chromosome is relatively constant, scientists can estimate the elapsed time since two men had a common ancestor. (See molecular clock.) "The Samaritan M267 lineages differed from the classical Cohen modal haplotype at DYS391, carrying 11 rather than 10 repeats". Samaritan Kohanim descend from a different patrilineal family line, having haplogroup E1b1b1a (M78) (formerly E3b1a).[1]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Y-chromosomal Aaron is the name given to the hypothesised most recent common ancestor of many of the patrilineal Jewish priestly caste known as Kohanim (singular "Kohen", "Cohen", or Kohane). In the Hebrew Bible this ancestor is identified as Aaron, the brother of Moses. Research published in 1997 and thereafter has indicated that some contemporary Jewish Kohanim share Y-chromosomal Haplogroup J1 (Y-DNA) with a set of genetic markers, known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype, which may well derive from a single common ancestor. Later, in 2007, the same team announced that they found another common set of genetic marker related to present-day traditional Kohanim families in Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA).
[edit] Background
Although membership in the Jewish community has, since at least the second century CE, been passed maternally (see: Who is a Jew?), membership in the group that originally comprised the Jewish priesthood ("Cohen" or "Kohen"; plural: Kohanim), is patrilineal. Modern Kohens claim descent from a biblical person, Aaron, brother of Moses, in the direct lineage from Levi, the patriarch of the Tribe of Levi, greatgrandson of Abraham, according to the tradition codified in the Tanakh (שמות / Sh'mot/Exodus 6). DNA testing is aiding scholars to trace the lineages found among modern Jewish populations, including contemporary Cohen families, to decipher origins of the people groups that were joined to the ancient Israelites and to identify genetic admixture and genetic drift.
For human beings, the normal number of chromosomes is 46, of which 23 are inherited from each parent. Two chromosomes, the X chromosome and Y chromosome, determine sex. Women have two X chromosomes, one inherited from their mother, and one inherited from their father. Men have an X chromosome inherited from their mother, and the Y chromosome inherited from their father.
Males who share a common patrilineal ancestor should also share a Y chromosome, diverging only with respect to accumulated mutations. Since Y-chromosomes are passed from father to son, all Kohanim men should theoretically have almost identical Y chromosomes; this can be tested with a genealogical DNA test. As the rate that mutations accumulate on the Y chromosome is relatively constant, scientists can estimate the elapsed time since two men had a common ancestor. (See molecular clock.) "The Samaritan M267 lineages differed from the classical Cohen modal haplotype at DYS391, carrying 11 rather than 10 repeats". Samaritan Kohanim descend from a different patrilineal family line, having haplogroup E1b1b1a (M78) (formerly E3b1a).[1]
Le haplotype J1 est un sous haplotype du haplgroupe J (associe peut etre aux langues nostratiques)et il est decrit comme marqueur semitique(ou peut etre aussi sud-nostratique semite en opposition a J2 nord nostratique indo-europeen-cad les Europeens parleraient des langues nostratiques originaires d'est anatolie et non des langues europeenes originelles comme le Basque)
According to some geneticists[3][4][5][6] M267 arisen 8,000-10,000 years ago and contains the genetic signatures of the historical expansion of Semitic tribes in northern Africa. J1 was spread by at least two temporally distinct migratory events : the first migration would have been in Neolithic times[7]; a more recent one would have diffuse a J1 subclade, defined by the YCAII*22-22 haplotype, in the southern part of the Middle East and in northern Africa[8].
In general diffusion of M267 in North Africa is predominantly associated with Semitic speakers[9], this can be seen clearly in Ethiopia were Semitic speakers have a much higher frequency of J1 compared to their non-semitic speaking neighbors. (Semitic speaking Ethiopian Amhara 33.3% opposed to Ethiopian Oromo 2.6%[10], Somalis 2.5%[11])
However a very recent study by Tofanelli et al. 2009 that reconstructed the genealogical relationships among 282 M267*G chromosomes from 29 populations conluded that "J1 STR motifs previously used to trace Arab or Jewish ancestries were shown unsuitable as diagnostic markers for ethnicity"[12].
According to some geneticists[3][4][5][6] M267 arisen 8,000-10,000 years ago and contains the genetic signatures of the historical expansion of Semitic tribes in northern Africa. J1 was spread by at least two temporally distinct migratory events : the first migration would have been in Neolithic times[7]; a more recent one would have diffuse a J1 subclade, defined by the YCAII*22-22 haplotype, in the southern part of the Middle East and in northern Africa[8].
In general diffusion of M267 in North Africa is predominantly associated with Semitic speakers[9], this can be seen clearly in Ethiopia were Semitic speakers have a much higher frequency of J1 compared to their non-semitic speaking neighbors. (Semitic speaking Ethiopian Amhara 33.3% opposed to Ethiopian Oromo 2.6%[10], Somalis 2.5%[11])
However a very recent study by Tofanelli et al. 2009 that reconstructed the genealogical relationships among 282 M267*G chromosomes from 29 populations conluded that "J1 STR motifs previously used to trace Arab or Jewish ancestries were shown unsuitable as diagnostic markers for ethnicity"[12].
Une autre recherche genetique mais sur le DNA autosomal,cad qui vise a determiner quels sont les peuples les plus pres genetiquement et non se limiter a ceux qui partagent un ancetre commun meme s'ils sont tres differents genetiquement et phenotypiquement du fait d'eloignement et consequents melanges "externes" a conclut que les "juifs",sont le plus proches peuple des Arabes,genetiquement parlant.