- 13 Janvier 2009
Khalifa University announces its Nanotechnology Centre advisory panel members
Khalifa University for Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) has announced today the advisory panel members names of its nanotechnology research centre. The names are Prof. Evelyn HU, from Harvard University and the former director of California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Prof. Teruo Kishi, President of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Prof. Gernot Güntherodt, Director at II. Physikalisches Institut of RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Prof. Maw-Kuen WU, Director of Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taiwan and Prof. C.N.R. RAO, Honorary President at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in India and the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister.
The announcement coincided with the first advisory panel meeting, which was held on the 11th - 13th of this month at the KUSTAR's Abu Dhabi campus. The meeting discussed a number of matters ranging from the vision and mission of the nanotechnology centre to the main research fields. The panel also discussed the various requirements such as the laboratories, equipments, manpower and the several universities and institutes to partner with, along with a timeframe to establish the centre.
Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, KUSTAR Manager said: "This meeting is an important step towards establishing our nanotechnology research centre. We are proud to have a panel formed of an array of the most renowned and reputable figures in the field of nanotechnology research in the world, which is considered a great addition to this initiative."
The announcement to establish KUSTAR's nanotechnology research centre was first made during the recent 5th Asia Nano Forum Summit Meeting, which was hosted by KUSTAR in Abu Dhabi and has witnessed a participation of 13 Asian countries, among which, UAE is the only Arab country member.
The nanotechnology is related to manufacturing tiny particles sized between 1 and 100 nanometers and are used in several industries such as water purifying, electricity generating and reducing energy consumption.
Khalifa University for Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) has announced today the advisory panel members names of its nanotechnology research centre. The names are Prof. Evelyn HU, from Harvard University and the former director of California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Prof. Teruo Kishi, President of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Prof. Gernot Güntherodt, Director at II. Physikalisches Institut of RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Prof. Maw-Kuen WU, Director of Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taiwan and Prof. C.N.R. RAO, Honorary President at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in India and the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister.
The announcement coincided with the first advisory panel meeting, which was held on the 11th - 13th of this month at the KUSTAR's Abu Dhabi campus. The meeting discussed a number of matters ranging from the vision and mission of the nanotechnology centre to the main research fields. The panel also discussed the various requirements such as the laboratories, equipments, manpower and the several universities and institutes to partner with, along with a timeframe to establish the centre.
Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, KUSTAR Manager said: "This meeting is an important step towards establishing our nanotechnology research centre. We are proud to have a panel formed of an array of the most renowned and reputable figures in the field of nanotechnology research in the world, which is considered a great addition to this initiative."
The announcement to establish KUSTAR's nanotechnology research centre was first made during the recent 5th Asia Nano Forum Summit Meeting, which was hosted by KUSTAR in Abu Dhabi and has witnessed a participation of 13 Asian countries, among which, UAE is the only Arab country member.
The nanotechnology is related to manufacturing tiny particles sized between 1 and 100 nanometers and are used in several industries such as water purifying, electricity generating and reducing energy consumption.
Khalifa University annonce les membres du comité consultatif de son Centre de nanotechnologie
Khalifa University for Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) a annoncé aujourd'hui les noms des membres du comité consultatif de son centre de recherche en nanotechnologie. Les noms sont le Prof Evelyn HU, de l'Université Harvard et l'ancien directeur de la Californie NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), le Professeur Teruo Kishi, président de l'Institut national pour la science des matériaux (NIMS), Prof Gernot Güntherodt, directeur au II. Physikalisches Institut de la RWTH Aachen University, Allemagne, Prof WU Maw-Kuen, Directeur de l'Institut de physique de l'Academia Sinica de Taiwan et le Professeur CNR RAO, Président honoraire à l'Université Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research en Inde et le Président du Conseil consultatif scientifique auprès du Premier ministre indien.
L'annonce a coïncidé avec la première réunion du Groupe consultatif, qui a eu lieu le 11 au 13 de ce mois sur le campus de KUSTAR à Abou Dhabi. La réunion a examiné un certain nombre de questions allant de la vision et la mission du centre de nanotechnologie pour les domaines principaux de recherche. Le panel a également discuté des besoins divers tels que les laboratoires, équipements, main-d'oeuvre et les universités et instituts de travailler en partenariat avec, parallèlement à un calendrier à établir du centre.
Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, KUSTAR Manager, a déclaré: «Cette réunion est une étape importante vers l'établissement de notre centre de recherche en nanotechnologie. Nous sommes fiers d'avoir un panel formé d'un tableau des figures les plus connus et réputés dans le domaine de la recherche en nanotechnologie dans le monde, qui est considéré comme un excellent complément à cette initiative. "
L'annonce d'établir un centre de recherche en nanotechnologie KUSTAR a d'abord été faites au cours de la récente 5th Asia Nano Sommet du Forum de la réunion, qui a été accueilli par KUSTAR à Abou Dhabi et a connu une participation de 13 pays asiatiques, parmi lesquels, Émirats arabes unis sont le seul pays arabe.
Les nanotechnologies sont liées à la fabrication de minuscules particules de taille comprise entre 1 et 100 nanomètres et sont utilisés dans plusieurs secteurs tels que purification de l'eau, d'électricité et réduire la consommation d'énergie.